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مرحبا بكم في Scholarsark.com! سوف تسجيلك تمنح لك الوصول إلى استخدام المزيد من الميزات من هذا المنبر. يمكنك طرح الأسئلة, تقديم مساهمات أو تقديم إجابات, عرض لمحات من المستخدمين الآخرين، وغيرها الكثير. سجل الان!

AZ-304: Microsoft Azure Architect Design Certification Prep

AZ-304: Microsoft Azure Architect Design Certification Prep

السعر: $79.99

The AZ-304 exam is targeted at experienced IT experts, يغطي الاختبار مجموعة متنوعة من الموضوعات والخدمات, all of which are covered in this latest course updated as per Microsoft Exam Curriculam. من أجل فهم التقنيات المعمارية الأساسية, This course will lead you through a series of sections, الوحدات, والعروض التوضيحية لإعدادك لأخذها, ويمر في النهاية, the Microsoft Azure AZ-304 exam.

This course curriculum is as follows:

    • Microsoft Azure Architect Design AZ-304 (10-15%)

    • Microsoft Azure Architect Design AZ-304 (25-30%)

    • Microsoft Azure Architect Design AZ-304 (15-20%)

    • Microsoft Azure Architect Design AZ-304 (10-15%)

    • Microsoft Azure Architect Design AZ-304 (25-30%)

The Lectures will educate you on the fundamental terms and principles of the Azure platform and demos will ممكن لك من خلال تجربة عملية باستخدام السيناريوهات تمكين أنت في العالم الحقيقي. تتناول هذه الدورة جميع متطلبات اختبار Microsoft AZ-304: تصميم مهندس Microsoft Azure. يتم تخصيص مقاطع فيديو متعددة لكل هدف فرعي, and we cover the topic thoroughly. If you are already an expert at many Azure topics, you can easily skip the sections that you already know and focus on the ones you have not yet had much exposure too. This is the benefit of having the complete course

متحكم الموافقة المسبقة عن علم! يسعدنا انضمامك إلينا! I’m quite confident that this is the most complete training course targeted specifically at the exam.

ملحوظة: If you took the AZ-300 course, there will be some overlap. There is a lot to repeat around subjects covered in AZ-300 to make sure you have the basis on core technologies that align with the curriculum. حيثما كان ذلك ممكنا, I try to make the distinction but you will find that we need to cover core infrastructure topics again before moving onto design elements. Feel free to ignore these videos if you took my AZ-300 course, or watch them again for a good refresh before taking your AZ-301 exam. I continue to update this course based on design examples so you can try to take your hands on knowledge and think about it from an architecture perspective.

عن arkadmin

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