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موانئ دبي -900: دورة فيديو لأساسيات بيانات Microsoft Azure + بري

موانئ دبي -900: دورة فيديو لأساسيات بيانات Microsoft Azure + بري

السعر: $19.99

The Microsoft Azure DP-900 exam is the best example of a basic level of qualification to prove your knowledge of core data services and Microsoft Azure data services. Applicants are looking for accurate information on the preparation of DP-900 exams due to the favorable job opportunities associated with Microsoft Azure details.

  1. اسم الامتحان: Exam DP-900: أساسيات بيانات Microsoft Azure

  2. مدة الامتحان 60 الدقائق

  3. نوع الامتحان Multiple Choice Examination

  4. عدد الأسئلة 40 – 60 الأسئلة

  5. Exam Fee $99 (Depends on Country)

  6. Eligibility/Pre-requisite لا شيء

  7. Exam validity حياة

  8. Exam Languages الإنجليزية, اليابانية, الكورية, والصينية المبسطة

Areas Covered

  • وصف أنواع أعباء عمل البيانات الأساسية, batch and streaming data, and core concepts of data analytics.

  • وصف أحمال عمل البيانات العلائقية, relational Azure data services such as comparing PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS delivery models.

  • Identify basic management tasks for relational data including provisioning and deployment of relational data services and describing query techniques for data using SQL language.

  • Describe non-relational data workloads and non-relational data offerings on Azure and describe provisioning and deployment of non-relational data services.

  • Describe analytics workloads and components of a modern data warehouse

  • Describe data ingestion and processing on Azure and data visualization in Microsoft Power BI

Domains Covered in DP-900 Exam

Another significant factor that all candidates should consider for the successful training of the DP-900 exam is the overview of the exam skills. Applicants with a better understanding of the exam topics and weighting of the exam domains can gain a general impression of the exam prior to their preparation. The following topics can be found in the DP-900 certification test.

  • Describing core data concepts- 15% إلى 20%

  • Describe the approaches to work with relational data on Azure- 25% إلى 30%

  • Describing approaches to work with non-relational data on Azure- 25% إلى 30%

  • Description of an Azure analytics workload- 25% إلى 30%

The preparation guide for the DP-900 exam can become better with an outline of the subtopics covered in each domain. Here is a reflection on the subtopics you can find in different domains of the DP-900 certification exam.

اِختِصاص 1: Describing core data concepts

The subtopics in this domain are,

  • Describing types of core data workloads.

  • Describing core concepts of data analytics.

اِختِصاص 2: Describe the approaches to work with relational data on Azure

The subtopics in this domain are,

  • Description of relational data workloads.

  • Description of relational Azure data services.

  • Identification of basic management tasks for relational data.

  • Description of query techniques for data by leveraging SQL language.

اِختِصاص 3: Describing approaches to work with non-relational data on Azure

The subtopics in this domain are,

  • Describing non-relational data workloads.

  • Describing non-relational data offerings on Azure.

  • Identification of basic management tasks for non-relational data.

اِختِصاص 4: Description of an Azure analytics workload

The subtopics in this domain are,

  • Describing analytics workloads.

  • Describing the components of a modern data warehouse.

  • Description of data ingestion and processing on Azure.

  • Describing data visualization in Microsoft Power BI.

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