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Getting Started With Microsoft PowerApps

Getting Started With Microsoft PowerApps

السعر: حر

This course is your gateway to learn منصة مايكروسوفت للطاقة and use it for your business. The course will walk you through Microsoft power platform and its components, and will the following questions.

  • What is Microsoft Power platform?

  • How to create PowerApps app?

  • What type of apps you can create using PowerApps

  • What is Microsoft Power Automate ( مايكروسوفت فلو ) and how to use it?

What you would learn from this course:

  1. نظرة عامة على الدورة التدريبية

  2. What is Microsoft Power Platform

  3. Understanding PowerApps

  4. How to create apps with PowerApps

  5. What is Power Automate

  6. What is Power Bi

  7. How to use Microsoft Power Virtual Agents.

الذي ينبغي أن يحضر?

Anyone can attend this course as long as you want to about Microsoft PowerApps and its components. You should attend this course if you are any of the following:

  • متخصصو تكنولوجيا المعلومات

  • الطلاب

  • Programmers/developers

  • Native-developers ( non developers) who like to develop application for their day to day life.

فرص العمل للديناميات 365 مطورو CE و PowerApps:

• ديناميات 365 يوفر فرصة عمل رائعة. هناك حاجة للمطورين في السوق أكثر من المستشارين الإداريين والوظيفيين. 1:5 نسبة المستشار الوظيفي للمطورين

• متوسط ​​الدخل $80,000 إلى $120,000 سنة لذوي الخبرة 5-10 سنوات المطور.

المتطلبات المسبقة لحضور هذه الدورة:

  • Basic computer knowledge

  • A good internet connection.

  • Interest to learn an amazing technology.

Why You should attend this course?

• This video course on Power platform will give you an easy to understand explanation of what is Microsoft power platform and will make you understand its components – PowerApps, ستتعلم في هذه الدورة أكثر أدوات تقنية RPA شيوعًا في السوق, Power Bi. Thus you can start working this platform.

• Will give you a clear understanding of Power Automate which can be used with PowerApps to perform light integration tasks and automation.

Salary Job Opportunities for PowerApps developers:

• ديناميات 365 with PowerApps provides an amazing job opportunity. هناك حاجة للمطورين في السوق أكثر من المستشارين الإداريين والوظيفيين.

• Average salary of an experienced Dynamics 365 CRM developer with Power App exposure is $80,000 إلى $120,000 سنة ( 5-7 years experienced) in the US.

عن arkadmin

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