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سجل الآن

مرحبا بكم في Scholarsark.com! سوف تسجيلك تمنح لك الوصول إلى استخدام المزيد من الميزات من هذا المنبر. يمكنك طرح الأسئلة, تقديم مساهمات أو تقديم إجابات, عرض لمحات من المستخدمين الآخرين، وغيرها الكثير. سجل الان!

التدريب العملي على الأنظمة المدمجة مع معالج Atmel SAM4s ARM

التدريب العملي على الأنظمة المدمجة مع معالج Atmel SAM4s ARM

السعر: $19.99

This course received a major update in Feb 2018 based on the feedback provided.

Welcome to this course on Hands-on Embedded Systems with Atmel SAM4s ARM Processor. At the end of this course you will be comfortable with the ARM processor core, processor model, exception model, reset sequence, general and special registers, and also a master in the ADC peripheral. This course has been made from the ground-up to help you transition from the world of Arduino into the world of 32 bit Atmel SAM4s ARM microcontrollers.

من أنا?

أنا أكشاي, وسأكون معلمك لهذه الدورة. لقد كنت مفتونًا بوحدات التحكم الدقيقة منذ أن كنت طفلاً, والآن أعتبرها محظوظة لأن تكون هذه مهنتي. أقوم حاليًا بكتابة البرامج الثابتة لأنظمة السلامة المهمة التي تدخل داخل السيارات الكهربائية. مع معرفتي بالأنظمة المدمجة في الماضي 10+ سنوات, والعمل في وادي السيليكون, لقد اكتسبت رؤية فريدة حول ما تحتاجه الصناعة وما يفتقر إليه الطلاب.

هيكل الدورة

هذه الدورة لها 8 من خلال سؤالهم وقيادتهم إلى طرح سلسلة من الأسئلة المهمة ولكن الصعبة على أنفسهم.

الجزء 1 will help you understand the differences between Arduino and 32 bit ARM Cortex. You will also understand the Cortex-M instruction set.

الجزء 2 is dedicated to the setup of the development environment and hardware. This section also contains reference documents that you will be using for the rest of the course.

الجزء 3 is about the processor fundamentals. At the end of this section you will be comfortable with the inner workings of the processor, the general and special registers that do all the magic inside the processor. You will learn how to interpret the assembly instructions and how they work inside the processor.

الجزء 4 is about the peripherals. You will learn the theory behind the ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) الطرفية.

الجزء 5 is the first project of this course where you will sample an analog voltage using ASF libraries in Atmel studio and understand how the peripheral and processor work together to convert this into a digital code.

الجزء 6 is the second project in this course where you will understand how an analog voltage is sampled and implement it by directly writing to the registers. (No library use here)

الجزء 7 is the third project in this course where you will understand how to sample real time temperature and how the processor interprets the value in degrees C of F. You will implement it using ASF code.

الجزء 8 is a homework project in which you will implement temperature sensing using direct register access. Solutions are provided for reference.

This course content was generated from scratch in a way to get the point across to you, in the most efficient, exciting and engaging way!

Is this course for me?

If you are an embedded systems enthusiast, professional or student who is struggling to start programming on the ARM Cortex-M platform, هذه الدورة إذا كان لك. If you have worked with Arduino before, and have basic working knowledge of embedded systems, هذا بالطبع هو لك. If you have already been working with ARM Cortex microcontrollers and want to gain a deeper understanding of the processor’s fundamentals as well as the ADC peripheral, ثم وهذا بالطبع هو لك!

Can I use another development board?

I use the Atmel SAM4s Xplained Pro development board in this course which houses a ARM Cortex-M4 processor. You may choose any other microcontroller of your choice that works with Atmel Studio. If you need help selecting a board, let me know and I can help you out.

My personal guarantee

I am proud to say that I stand behind this course 100%, and guarantee you that you will get valuable information from this course. There is also a 30 ضمان استرداد الأموال يوميًا من Udemy.

مع هذا, you can feel confident about your purchase and know that it is a valuable find.

عن arkadmin

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