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تسجيل دخول

سجل الآن

مرحبا بكم في Scholarsark.com! سوف تسجيلك تمنح لك الوصول إلى استخدام المزيد من الميزات من هذا المنبر. يمكنك طرح الأسئلة, تقديم مساهمات أو تقديم إجابات, عرض لمحات من المستخدمين الآخرين، وغيرها الكثير. سجل الان!

Leadership Fundamentals Development

Leadership Fundamentals Development

السعر: $29.99

Why use this training?

Having led organizations for a number of years, I’m passionate about leadership, and believe in the many benefits it brings to organizations:

◊ Improve employee retention – are you tired of having to spend time and money replacing and retraining employees that leave?

◊ Improve employee morale – develop a happier and more engaged workforce.

◊ Improve employee productivity – motivated employees work harder and accomplish more for your business.

◊ Reduce Conflict – minimize the conflict in your workplace.

◊ Make your job easier – having engaged and more productive employees in an environment with less conflict will make your job easier!

◊ Improve life at home – leadership skills developed here can even apply to improving relationships at home with family and friends.

This fundamental leadership course includes everything you need to know to make you a good leader. It is catered for aspiring leaders, new managers and supervisors, business owners, and front-line managers. It can be utilized in an instructor led forum or taken individually online.

The leadership training material is simplified into interactive video modules that include worksheets, leadership tips, and an action plan, so that learnings can be applied actively in the workplace. The modules are concentrated on the key components of leadership, in order to hold attention throughout the training and so that individuals can in a focused and time-effective manner learn the critical components of being a good leader.

The leadership skills developed in this training will help to improve employee retention, morale, and productivity in your organization along with reducing conflict. Commit to improving your business and making your job easier by having effective leadership!

Feel free to message me if you have any questions on the course material or would like advice on any of your current leadership challenges.

عن arkadmin

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