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اختبار MICROSOFT POWER BI DA-100: متقدم 2021 اختبار الممارسة

اختبار MICROSOFT POWER BI DA-100: متقدم 2021 اختبار الممارسة

السعر: $34.99

Are you planning to become a معتمد من مايكروسوفت محلل بيانات مشارك?

سيحلل هذا الاختبار التدريبي جميع المفاهيم التي تم تناولها في امتحان DA-100, يمنحك معرفة حقيقية حول تحليل البيانات وتصورها في نظام Power BI الأساسي.

But mostly: this practice test will prepare you to deal with the design of the questions for the Exam DA-100.

This is a key point: no matter how hard you study مايكروسوفت باور بي توثيق. If you plan to get the Power BI Certification you need to work by advanced usage of Power BI platform on practical business cases. This will really measure your Data Analysis skills.

وهكذا, in this test, you will not find just theory questions. You will achieve a proven experience in facing businesslike issues, needed to pass the Exam DA-100, and become a Microsoft Certified Data Analyst Associate.

To take the exam DA-100 and, mostly, to use profitably Power BI features, you need to gain experience in six knowledge areas:

  • Microsoft DAX language;

  • Microsoft Power Query features;

  • Data Modeling in Power BI;

  • Data Visualization in Power BI;

  • Manage Publishing and Sharing Power BI contents;

  • Manage Power BI Administration settings.

لمن هذه الدورة?

Professional Data Analysts, Junior Data Analysts, و anyone who manages data. No matters what is your professional role, if you want to experience all the features provided by مايكروسوفت باور بي: it is the current all-in-one market leader solution in تحليل وتصور البيانات. Taking the DA-100 exam accredits you as a Microsoft Data Analyst Associate. This is an advanced career pass that certifies your skills in designing and building data models, تنظيف وتحويل البيانات, and using advanced analytic capabilities to enhance data-driven strategy inside profit and no-profit organizations.

Take a look at the video introduction to get a full overview of the course.

عن arkadmin

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