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فقدت كلمة المرور

فقدت كلمة المرور الخاصة بك؟ الرجاء إدخال عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك. ستتلقى رابطا وستنشئ كلمة مرور جديدة عبر البريد الإلكتروني.

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تسجيل دخول

سجل الآن

مرحبا بكم في Scholarsark.com! سوف تسجيلك تمنح لك الوصول إلى استخدام المزيد من الميزات من هذا المنبر. يمكنك طرح الأسئلة, تقديم مساهمات أو تقديم إجابات, عرض لمحات من المستخدمين الآخرين، وغيرها الكثير. سجل الان!

Mini Projects using Python

Mini Projects using Python

السعر: $79.99

الثعبان is a MUST for students and working professionals to become a great Software Engineer specially when they are working in Web Development Domain or in any domain now a days .Python is a rising star in the programming world for two main reasons: the big range of tasks it can handle, combined with the fact that it’s actually a very beginner-friendly language. Python code syntax uses English keywords, and that makes it easy for anyone to understand and get started with the language.

In this course you will learn to develop various useful applications and games using Python, in this course that be developed as a mini projects. Students who want to develop Python applications and python programmers and the students who want to develop projects using Python can enroll this course.

Students who want to develop various projects and games using python with Graphical interface (واجهة المستخدم الرسومية) can choose this course and it would be really beneficial for your future career, in this course we’ll using various python modules such as tkinter ,speech recognition, OpenCV, and we will be creating various games using python such as snake game , TIC-TAC-TOE and etc ,and also some useful real world applications such as stopwatch, digital clock and there is also tutorials about ‘turtlepython drawings. So overall this course will be complete package for the students ,who wants to explore their knowledge in python

عن arkadmin

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