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مكتب 365 المشرف واستكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها

مكتب 365 المشرف واستكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها

السعر: $94.99

This course is for IT professionals who take part in :

1 administering

2 التكوين

3 استكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها

4 Operating Office 365 خدمات

Including its identities, dependencies, المتطلبات, والتقنيات الداعمة.

This course on administer and troubleshoot Office 365 tenant and key services of Office 365, such as Exchange Online, SharePoint Online and Teams. It also covers security and compliance features of Office 365.

جزء 1
Features of Office 365
and identifies recent improvements to the service
Licensing options, describes the process of Office 365 tenant configuration, and lists appropriate نشر التطبيق على الأجهزة من خلال نقطة توزيع الموقع الثانوي SCCM 365 client options.

جزء 2
How to manage Office 365 بواسطة using the administrative portals and Windows PowerShell

جزء 3
Directory synchronization and federation.
Manage Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect (Azure AD Connect) and user and group objects in Office 365

جزء 4
Subscription options and roles in Exchange Online
How to administer Exchange Online recipients and client access policies in Exchange Online

جزء 5
Describes Teams and explains how to administer, تدبير, and troubleshoot Teams.

جزء 6
Describes how to configure SharePoint Online settings and site collections و external user access to SharePoint Online.
Manage Microsoft OneDrive for Business synchronization and how to troubleshoot SharePoint Online.

جزء 7
Describes Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise.
Deploy Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise deployments

جزء 8
Describes the compliance features in Office 365
Use Azure Information Protection and the compliance features in Office 365
Configure and administer email security in Office 365

عن arkadmin

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