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C++ Projects (Build 6 RealTime Apps Step by Step with Code)

C++ Projects (Build 6 RealTime Apps Step by Step with Code)

Price: $19.99

If you have at least basic knowledge about C++, you can easily learn this course. I have explained everything in a detailed manner, so you can easily understand the topics. Videos in the course are in simple English language (No complicated words). If you are studying in the School/College/University and if you have any project work in C++, this course is best choice for you. After learning this course you will be able to make any app in graphics. I have created many apps in this course with full of graphics and animations like: Piechart, Barchart, Truck Stock Infograph, Hit the Bulls Eye and finally a Project Work in Tic Tac Toe Game.

Note: for each lecture, I have included the source code for your reference. you can download it to save your time in code typing. For Tic Tac Toe game I have included its source code and Project Synopsis also, so that you can use it in School/College or add in your resume.

I am here to build your logic. If you are logically strong, you can learn any programming language and make any kind of app. Because a strong logic does matter!!

Compiler Required: Turbo C++


About arkadmin

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