ConnectE Social Media App in Android Studio – JAVA Firebase
Price: $19.99
Become a professional Android Application Developer in 2020 by learning the most in demand Android skills such as Animations, Firebase, Adapters, Recycler Views, Customized UIs. This is the course which you are looking to become fully professional Android Application Developer after getting bored from lengthy courses and basic concepts in 2020.
This course covers all the major concepts that you need to develop a professional application for Android Operating System in order to get hired in industry or to complete your university projects.
I update the course on regular basis so that if some new library or dependency come into market I will update the course accordingly.
I have not concentrated on explaining the basic concepts through slides or with small examples but I have implemented all those concepts here in single project so that you guys can learn how things actually work in real life.
In this course, I have taken the best coding practices, tools, terminologies to develop the project that I have learned over the years from my industry and academic experience.
I have design this course to give you employable skills that you will be needing in order to get hired in any professional company or organization.
Think of this course like a Android Developer Bootcamp. By the end, you will be comfortable using the below skills and you will be able to put them on your resume:
Customized User Interface Design
Customized Text Views, Button Views, Image Views
Customized Dialog Boxes
Customized Styling in Android Studio
Creating Menus in Android Studio
Customized Bottom Navigation Views
Customized Recycler Views
Customized Drawer Navigation View
Circular Image Views
Image Picker Dialog Boxes
Date Picker Dialog Boxes
Working with Dependencies in Android Gradle
Firebase Dependencies
Circular Image Dependency
Android X Material Dependency
Arc Navigator Dependency
Glide Dependency
Firebase UI Dependency
Working with String in String XML file
Creating Customized Colors in Color XML file using hexadecimal values
Zoom in Animations for Splash Screen
Left to right Animations for Login Screen
Gradient Changing Animations for Sceen Background
Google Firebase
Firebase Authentications
Creating login with Firebase Authentication
Login to Application through Firebase Authenticatio
Firebase Firestore
Creating Collection, documents in Firebase Firestore
Uploading data to Firebase Firestore collection at real time
Retrieving data from the Firebase Firestore collection at real time
Updating and Deleting data in and from Firebase Firestore collection at real time
Retrieving single and multiple records from Firebase Firestore collection at real time
Firebase Storage
Uploading images to Firebase Storage at real time
Retrieve images from Firebase Storage at real time
Update and Delete images from Firebase Storage at real time
Batch Writing
Working with Firebase Batch class to update information in bulk at run time
Android Adapters
Recyler View Adapters
Recyler View Adapters for Firebase Firestore
Tab Adapters for Tab Layout
Model Classes
Creating Model Java classes for retrieving the data from the Firebase Firestore.
Creating default, parameterized constructor in model classes
Working with commands to creating setter and getter methods for model classes
Child Fragments
Fragment Managers
Child Fragment Mangers
Changing Fragment with Adapters
Simple Intents
Intent to pass data
Intent to get images from the SD-Card
Customized fonts in Java
Adding Assets folder in Resources
Adding Font folder in Assets
Customized Drawables
Creating customized circular and rectangular shapes with XML
Using Built-in Image and Vector Assets
Creating customized menus for the Toolbar Layout
Creating customized menus for the Drawer Navigation Layout
and Much More….
You will be taken through online videos and exercises where you will be able to do the following things by the end:
Build complex application for your CV.
Go into a job interview confident that you understand the fundamental building blocks of android application development and the developer trends in 2020.
Be able to go off on your own and grow your skills as a developer, having built a solid foundation
Learn how Frontend, Firebase, communicate and how they all fit together in a single Application
Build your own application just like your will learn in this course
Go off and work remotely by being a freelance developer that can bid on projects
In this project you will be working on following functional requirements:
Design and Develop Splash Screen.
Design and Develop Login and Register Page
Design and Develop Main Content Page Where logged-in user will be able to
update text and images statues.
user can add emotions such as love, sad, haha to any other user’s post
user can comment on any post of other users.
user can delete his/her posts
user can add text and image status to favorite list
user can remove text and image status from favorite list
user can see who have commented and shared emotions on his/her post using notification page
user can clear previous notifications.
user will be able to see the link of other page such as profile, setting pages in drawer navigation view
user can move between different pages by using the bottom navigation view
Design and Develop a professional Profile Page where
user can see and update his bio information using the Profile and Setting Page
So get all the above mentioned skills, get enrolled and see you inside the course…
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