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70-461 Sitzung 3: Abfragen von Microsoft SQL Server (T-SQL)

70-461 Sitzung 3: Abfragen von Microsoft SQL Server (T-SQL)

Preis: $49.99

If you are in UfB, welcome.

If you are not, don’t buy this course. Stattdessen, please look at my 70-461 Sitzung 1-7: Abfragen von Microsoft SQL Server (SQL code) course instead, which includes this course and 6 other courses.

This course is the foundation for the Microsoft Certificate 70-461: “Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012”.

In Session 1, we learned all about dates, strings and number data types, and in Session 2 we constructed SELECT queries using SELECT, AUS, WO, GRUPPIERE NACH, HAVING und ORDER BY, and JOINing multiple tables together.

We’ll now use that data to create views, which enable us to store these SELECT queries for future use, and triggers, which allow for code to be automatically run when INSERTing, DELETEing or UPDATEing data.

We’ll look at the database that we developed in session 2, and see what is wrong with it. We’ll add some constraints, such as UNIQUE, CHECK, PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY constraints, to stop erroneous data from being added some data. Auf diese Weise, we will complete objectives 2, 3, 4 und 5 von dem 70-461 Prüfung.

No prior knowledge other than what we covered in Sessions 1 und 2 ist erforderlich. jedoch, prior experience with Excel or Access would be beneficial.

There are regular quizzes to help you remember the information.

Once finished, you will know what how to write triggers, views and constraints, and we’ll have expanded on our current knowledge of T-SQL.


Über Arkadmin

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