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Adobe Photoshop von Null auf Pro

Adobe Photoshop von Null auf Pro

Preis: $19.99

This course will guide you through how to use Adobe Photoshop CC and its user interface and you will learn in a step-by-step manner how to use the basic essential tools for editing and enhancing your photographs. The course will show you how to remove background elements from the image, re-touch blemishes in the original photograph, crop elements out of the image, insert text onto an image, create marquees around elements to remove or modify them, and free transform a selection that has been cut from an image.

Zu den Themen gehören:

  • Saving images in different file formats
  • Creating actions
  • Recording actions
  • Batch processing
  • Creating droplets
  • Working with variables
  • Using Vector Graphics
  • Mastering the Layer Styles
  • Rendering 3D objects
  • Converting 2d images to 3D
  • Using Arrays
  • Basic and Advance Use of Every Tool of Adobe Photoshop


Über Arkadmin

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