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Grundlagen digitaler Techniken

Grundlagen digitaler Techniken

Preis: Kostenlos

This Course provides an Overview of Number Systems and Logic Gates in Digital Circuits. It give a general overview of the design of Logic Gates starting from the problem to truth table and after this obtaining a function relies to the combination of inputs. It provides for students the opportunity to design a circuit based on Gates. This course is basic to understand digital system.

This Course includes following topics with Simple Animated Video Explanation.

  • Introduction to number system & terms related to it. ( Bedingungen – Bisschen, Byte. Nibble )

  • Convert the Number from the given Number System to the specified Number System. ( Number systemsDecimal , Binär, Octal , Hexadecimal an their Conversions from one Number System to another (Integer and Fractional).)

  • Perform the given Binary Arithmetic Operation on the given Data. (Binary ArithmeticCompliments – 1’s and 2’s, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division (bis zu 8 bisschen).

  • CodesBCD, Gray, ASCII, EBCDIC ( Their Conversion with Examples )

  • Derive the Truth Table of the given basic Logic Gate/ Derived Logic Gate. Basic gates ( UND,ODER,NICHT ) , Derived gates (NAND,NOCH,EX-OR,EX-NOR) , Universal gates)

  • In this test you can Test your Knowledge in Logic Gates and there is a two part of test first part is Logic Gate basics and the second part is NAND & NOR Gate.


Über Arkadmin

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