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Become a Memory Master! Study Skills From Basic to Advanced

Become a Memory Master! Study Skills From Basic to Advanced

Preis: $24.99

Epistle to the student

Are you dedicated to studying but want to take it to the next level?

Do you need the necessary brain theory to reach your learning potential?

What if there was a resource that contains all the study skills techniques that you could ever require in just one place!

Wouldn’t you want to access that liberating information?


Welcome to “ Study Skills for the Advanced Learner”, the most developed, well presented and comprehensive accelerated learning resource on the web.

Bis zum Ende dieses Kurses, you should be able too:

Use your working memory more effectively.

Learn the processes that underlie understanding.

Make use of consolidation and reconsolidation.

Integrate the four stages of learning into your study session.

Comprehend why forgetting occurs and what you can do about it.

Practice getting into Vygotsky’s zone of approximate development.

Blend selective study with spaced repetitions to maximize memory.

Create a personalised learning system that matches your memory preferences.

Learn the tricks for reducing the workload for that big upcoming exam without lose of marks.

Activate your latent visual potential by translating writing into images.

The presentation of lecture material

It is explained in an easy to understand way without being patronising. All lectures are HD quality with clear sound, absolutely no echo. All material is fully animated to intensify your learning experience.

More content on its way!


Über Arkadmin

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