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Karriererevolutionssystem für unternehmerische Kreative Creative

Karriererevolutionssystem für unternehmerische Kreative Creative

Preis: $19.99

This course is primarly for the creative people, entrepreneurial personalities, career misfits and troublemakers who struggle, suffer and cannot seem to flow into a great niche for them. A niche where you are appreciated and valued for your unique talents, Ideen, creativity and energy.

Being locked into a boring, restrictive or unfulfilling career is a very significant problem. It is a major cause of sickness, Depression, wasted talent, broken marriages and even death.

The most frequent way we try to escape is to start a traditional business.. There are many types of businesses but many require we invest much time, resources and money. Maybe hire employees, rent retail or office space and take major financial and personal risk. Many, including me learned the hard way that having a entrepreneurial, creative personality often does not translate into business success. In truth financial failure is common. This can be devastating. It is also a major cause of sickness, Depression, wasted talent, broken marriages and even death.

This is the old world and still a major part, even the majority of our current world.

There is a movement in progress. With the constant change, competition and turmoil in the world many businesses are hiring and embracing people like us.

But you don’t have to wait.

The main goal of this course is to help you thrive in your current job and current career beginning right now.

If and when you are ready to make a change, this course helps you do that also.

This is an awesome time to be alive for creative and entrepreneurial people and this course helps you plug into a movement that is much larger than this course.

No longer do creative people, entrepreneurial personalities, career misfits and troublemakers have to struggle, suffer and not be able to flow into a good niche for them. You can now more easily find a career niche where you are appreciated and valued for your unique talents, Ideen, creativity and energy.

Yes it is easier now. The ground is more fertile for us to grow. But as mentioned above your mindset, Strategie, techniques and behavior is what really will make the difference for you no matter where you work.

So this course is an introduction to finding and identifying awesome companies and situations for us creative and entrepreneurial personalities.

The main focus of this course is to teach you about how to be an entrepreneurial employee in your career and in any company.

After much struggle, suffering and pain in my career I finally discovered and embraced this system of how to thrive more in any job and how to grow into your ideal job and career or even transition into a low risk, high upside non-traditional business.

Über Arkadmin

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