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Cisco CyberOps Associate CBROPS 200-201: Der komplette Kurs

Cisco CyberOps Associate CBROPS 200-201: Der komplette Kurs

Preis: $129.99


Today’s organizations are challenged with rapidly detecting cybersecurity breaches and effectively responding to security incidents. Teams of people in Security Operations Centers (SOC’s) keep a vigilant eye on security systems, protecting their organizations by detecting and responding to cybersecurity threats. CCNA Cyber Ops prepares candidates to begin a career working with associate-level cybersecurity analysts within security operations centers.

The United States Department of Defense (DoD) has approved the Cisco CyberOps Associate CBROPS 200-201 Certification for the DoD 8570.01-M for the CSSP Analyst and CCSP Incident Responder categories.

Master the CBROPS 200-201 exam topics

  • Security concepts

  • Sicherheitsüberwachung

  • Host-based analysis

  • Network intrusion analysis

  • Security policies and procedures

As an added bonus you will also learn how to use the hacking tools software Kali Linux!

  • Golismero

  • Nmap

  • Metasploit

  • Armitag

Practice Exam Questions Included!


Über Arkadmin

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