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CISM Information Security Management-Praxisprüfung

CISM Information Security Management-Praxisprüfung

Preis: $94.99


Q.) Which of the following would be the first step in the development of information security plan?

ein) A technical vulnerability assessment

b) Analysis of the current business strategy

c) Make a business impact analysis

d) Assess the current level of security awareness

e) Keiner

Q.) The eldest management commitment and support of information security can best be achieved through presentations:

ein) using illustrative examples of successful attacks.

b) explain the technical risks of the organization.

c) to assess the organization of the best security practices.

d) the associated security key business objectives.

e) Keiner

Q.) The most appropriate role for the management of information security support are:

ein) assessment of suppliers that offer security.

b) assessment of risks to the organization.

c) approval of policy statements and funding.

d) monitoring compliance with regulatory requirements.

e) Keiner

Q.) Which of the following would be the best way to ensure the success of information security management within an organization?

ein) Coordinating committees approve security projects

b) Safety training is provided to all managers

c) Security training is available to all employees on the intranet

d) The steering groups to follow the laws and regulations

e) Keiner

Über Arkadmin

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