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Complete Scrum Master Certification Training

Complete Scrum Master Certification Training

Preis: $109.99

This course and practice exams are neither endorsed by, noch in Partnerschaft, nor affiliated with Scrum .org.

This course prepares you for taking Scrum .org’s Professional Scrum Master® level 1 (PSM I ®) Bewertung.


Vorstellen du selbst being prepared to lay a job in one of the highest-promising and highest-paying areas, skyrocketing your career, und improving your life quality.

Have you pictured it?

An opportunity that is right there, waiting for you to grab, ist becoming a Scrum Master!

Check out some data that shows that becoming a Scrum Master is a great opportunity for you:

  • Glassdoor includes Scrum Master in its list of highest-paying jobs, with an average of $97,000+, pro Jahr.

  • A study performed by Scrum. org in 2019 showed that the average salary of a Scrum Master is $98,000+, ranging up to $150,000+, pro Jahr.

  • LinkedIn included Scrum Master in its 2019 Most Promising Jobs aufführen.

jedoch, what does Scrum Master mean?

Scrum Master is a Scrum accountability. Scrum is an agile framework for developing, delivering, and sustaining complex products.

If you already know about Scrum Master and Scrum, great! You might be some steps closer to the goal of laying a job as a Scrum Master!

If you don’t, great too! Just by being here, you are already moving in the right direction!

In beiden Fällen, one factor that has been demonstrated to highly influence your chances of getting hired as a Scrum Master, und getting paid higher, is getting certified!

There are many certifications available, aber die best cost-benefit for you is, unquestionably, getting the Professional Scrum Master level 1, by Scrum. org!

jedoch, it costs $150 per attempt, which is not cheap.

Deshalb, ein smart move is to make a small investment in this course.


Let me give you 7 reasons.

1) Because it will boost your chances of getting certified as a Professional Scrum Master!

2) Because it is eye-opening, clearly explaining Scrum mit Beispielen, proper learning curve, and visual explanations!

3) Because it contains exclusive practice exams for you to simulate the experience of taking the PSM I assessment and test your knowledge.

4) Because it contains PSM I Sniper lectures, in which you will learn special tips and shortcuts to triumph by passing the Professional Scrum Master® (Scrum Master Professional Cert) assessment on your first attempt.

5) Because this course was strategically built to maximize your learning potential by using scientifically demonstrated techniques to optimize your brain’s capabilities of constructing the necessary neural paths to learn its content.

6) Because this course offers extra content to help you to study (and learn) faster by using scientifically proven techniques.

7) The instructor, Mirko Perkusich, has both industry and academic experience. Er hat vorbei 10 years of experience working with big players in the software industry, such as Nokia, Asus, and Sony; zusätzlich, he has also worked with Startups. Des Weiteren, he has a Ph.D. in Computer Science. His research focuses mostly on Agile Software Development (and Scrum) mit Über 50 published scientific articles in worldwide, state-of-the-art journals and conferences.

If you still have any doubts, check below real testimonials from students that purchased courses from Mirko Perkusich!

What if you, Eine Injektion, die davor schützt, want a refund?

This course has a 30-Tagesgeld-zurück-Garantie!

Keine Fragen gefragt!

Es gibt no risk for you!

Worauf wartest du?

Jetzt beitreten and take a step further into becoming a Professional Scrum Master™ and uplift your career!


Erfahrungsberichte von Studenten (Was sagen Studierende über Mirkos Kurse??):

Great training. Passed PSM I immediately after the end of the course. Ich empfehle”, Jacek Laskowski

Dear Mirko, Thanks to your wonderful course, I cleared my PSM 1 exam in the first attempt with 95%.” (private message) Mahesh Iyer, Project/Program Management Professional

Zweifellos der beste Kurs! Tausend Dank, Mirko!!!” – Mirza Mehdi, Business Analyst

“Bisher ausgezeichnet, Mirko ist in der Lage, diese ungewohnte Angelegenheit zu vermitteln (mir) in einem sehr verständliche Art und Weise. Um es in die Praxis umzusetzen, wird es wahrscheinlich einige Zyklen erfordern, um etwas Erfahrung zu sammeln, Aber wenn Ihnen die Logik gefällt, wird es fast natürlich.” Gian Luca Anselmi, Projektmanager

I like the course content! I will definitely recommend taking the course if you want to gain the full guide on Agile and specifically on Scrum. The Instructor explains each detail very clearly. Vor dem, I took another good course, but it gave basic knowledge. This one was the best match for me. It gave me complete and enough knowledge about Scrum.” – Anna Kirakosyan, Project Coordinator

Dieser Kurs ist einer der besten, die ich bei Udemy belegt habe. Ich mag den progressiven Stil sowie die hilfreichen Tests und Tipps, Das hat mir geholfen, mir fundiertes Wissen über agiles Management mit Scrum anzueignen und zu festigen. Ganz zu schweigen von den Erkenntnissen, die Dr. Mirko mit einer perfekten Abstimmung von Theorie und Praxis einbringt, Das hat mir auch sehr dabei geholfen, mich mit den im Kurs behandelten Konzepten vertraut zu machen. Dr. Mirko verfügt über großartige Lehrfähigkeiten. Ich kann es nicht weiter empfehlen.” – João Nunes, Softwareentwickler

“Der Kurs vermittelt nicht nur Wissen und Fähigkeiten, sondern vermittelt auch den richtigen Ansatz, der die Effizienz der Nutzung dieses Frameworks deutlich steigert. Alles in einem zugänglich und freundlich, aber auch professionell, bilden.” – Gut gut

Informativ, umfassende und gute fundierte Ausbildung…absorbiert und Ich habe die Lernkurve genossen. Danke an Mirko und Team!” – Narayan Ragothma Rao, Geschäftsführender Direktor

DR. Mirko has a good didactic and strong skills both academic and Industry study cases. So, I recommend this course to you get the knowledge, practice and if you so get the Scrum Certification, this course is really complete.” – Leonardo Melo de Medeiros, College Professor and Research Scientist

“Mir gefällt, wie du kommst bringen Sie direkt auf den Punkt, machen die Dinge aber auch sehr klar und verständlich!” – Nina Paleracio

“Alle Konzepte klar erklärt. Tolle Beispiele und Fallstudien zur Untermauerung der Theorie.” – Crystal Glassford, Hauptgeschäftsführer

“So weit, ist es gut. Mir gefällt die Art und Weise, wie der Inhalt mit vielen Beispielen und Bildern erklärt wird, hilft mir, besser zu verstehen und das Lerntempo ist auch gut für mich.” – Jonathan Nathan, IT-Projektmanager

Er schafft es tatsächlich großartig, das zu machen, was ich für langweilig hielt, müde Klasse, in etwas, das ich lernen möchte. Der beste Anfang ist, nicht über das Thema zu lügen. Gehaltene Versprechen sind verdiente Versprechen.” – Jeremy D. Shorter, Finanzanalyst


Rechtliche Hinweise und Haftungsausschluss

Professionelles Scrum™, Scrum Master Professional Cert, PSM™, PSM I™, PSM 1™, Scrum Guide™ and Nexus Guide™ are protected brands of Gedränge. org, the organization responsible for developing and sustaining both, the Scrum Guide™ and the Nexus Guide™.

Dieser Kurs, including the practice exams, are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum. org.

Attribution and Use for the Scrum Guide™ and Nexus™Guide:

This course uses content from the Scrum Guide™ and the Nexus™ Guide only for educational purposes.

The Scrum Guide™ and Nexus Guide™ are made available as is.

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