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Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence for Managers

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence for Managers

Preis: $39.99

Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence for Managers prepares you for the many data warehousing projects that are underway or scheduled to begin in large or small organizations. It’s also an entryway into Big Data. If you’ve heard of data warehousing but never knew what it meant, Wir betrachten einige der Ursachen für den langfristigen Erfolg von Menschen wie Ihnen. Have you always wanted to know what kind of enterprise software is made by Oracle, SAFT, Informatica, Tableau, SAS, and even Microsoft? The answer is Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence software, two categories of software that can even include one thing you probably have on your latptop right now: Microsoft Excel.

The course is geared towards managers, but is also effective for non-techies or novices who want to understand one of the most important approaches to managing operations that organizations undertake, and that affects your life and your interaction with technology every day. The course is a series of video presentations, but also includes quizzes, a final project, and PDF downloads that will help familiarize you with data warehousing.

Recent additions to this course include a greater exploration of Big Data, Data Lakes, and a little about cloud Big Data architecture. The course will continue to grow to explore more about the crossover and intersections between Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, and Big Data (aka Analytics).

This course is quick to complete, giving you an overview of what you need most without going too deep for Data Warehousing novices. If you want a solid introduction to Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence, sign up for this course today!

3 hours of material

New material added periodically to the course

LIFETIME ACCESS to the course


Über Arkadmin

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