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DP-100  Azure Practice Tests Prep Exam

DP-100 Azure Practice Tests Prep Exam

Preis: $89.99

How about you prepare with DP-100 Azure practice tests with the latest reference.

Why become a Data Scientist?

Heutzutage, every industry is becoming data-driven.

Every company whether big or small are looking for people who can very well understand and analyze data.

Job as a data scientist is increasing its hype with its growing demand. Blooming in each sector of industries from IT to marketing or retails.

Data science is emerging as the most trusted as well as a strategic partner to their management.

Since it’s an evolving field which is adding value to the business, it is flourishing with jobs. The average annual salary of data scientist is 120,000 USD.

However this figure may fluctuate depending upon the size of the industry. Not only big companies but new startups are also relying on data scientists.

All objectives of the exam are covered in depth so you’ll be ready for any question on the exam.

Who should take the Microsoft DP-100 Azure Exam?

Exam candidates must be architects or engineers with extensive experience and knowledge of the SAP system landscape and specific industry standards for the long-term operation of an SAP solution on Microsoft Azure.

Practice Tests DP-100 Azure

The DP-100: Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azures covers the following topics :

  • Richten Sie einen Azure Machine Learning-Arbeitsbereich ein.

  • Führen Sie Experimente durch und trainieren Sie Modelle.

  • Führen Sie Experimente durch und trainieren Sie Modelle.

  • Modelle optimieren und verwalten.

  • Modelle bereitstellen und nutzen.

    • Dies ist ein inoffizieller Kurs und ist nicht angegliedert, licensed or registered in any way with Microsoft Azure.


Über Arkadmin

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