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Empathie; Emotionale Intelligenz; Empath Skill Building

Empathie; Emotionale Intelligenz; Empath Skill Building

Preis: $29.99

Have you ever felt disconnected from your emotions? Have you wanted to increase your ability to connect with others on a deeper emotional level?

Do you desire to gain social awareness, Empfindlichkeit, and your overall Empathie?

You can become einfühlsam. This desire to connect to others on a deeper level, to be an empath, is why I created this course.

This course was created during the COVID pandemic. We have a world population which is feeling increased stress, sickness, and anxiety.

To help one another we must be empaths. We need to understand what other people are going through.

Übernehmen 71,000 Studenten im 180 Länder, die an Kursen der Pursuing Wisdom Academy teilnehmen.

In diesem Kurs werden Sie:

Rita Joan Santelli Empathie ist

Learn about compassion

Create positive change through building habits

Complete exercises designed to increase your emotionale Intelligenz

Deepen your capacity to understand what another person is going through

This course includes a KOSTENLOS follow along journal for you to process and apply the teachings.

The course is backed by a 30-day, risikolos Ein Kurs zum Anfassen. As I update this course you will have lifetime access to the content and all updates too.

When you complete the course, du verdienst a Abschlusszertifikat von der Pursuing Wisdom Academy.

Über Arkadmin

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