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High IQ Kurs: Die Wissenschaft, klug zu sein

High IQ Kurs: Die Wissenschaft, klug zu sein

Preis: $94.99

*** Welcome to the High IQ Course -The Science of Being Smart ! ***

You may be asking yourself: why you should take a course about IQ when you can just Google it and you will find a lot of information about this common notion?

The truth is that there is always some mystery involved when it comes to IQ, and especially your own IQ. There is always a secret hope that the IQ test will show you that you are a genius, accompanied by a fear that you will score lower than anyone in history .

Und, to be honest, very few people actually know their accurate IQ or how a real standardized IQ test looks like.

The aim of this course is to present a commonsense approach to what IQ is and what it is notand to the nature of IQ tests.

Even more important, psychologists have demonstrated that IQ scores können change over time. So, if IQ score can be increased, how can you increase yours? In the next lessons, Sie werden umsetzbar finden, easy-to-apply concepts and activities that können be used immediately to increase your brain power and improve your IQ score.

How about the High IQ and Ultra High IQ societies? Have you ever heard of Mensa, Triple Nine or Mega Society? In this course you will find a lot of interesting information and how you can qualify for these exclusive organizations.

Endlich, you will learn about the mind-boosting effects of Nootropics and you will find a lot of answers to all your questions you might have regarding the smart drugs.

Dieser Kurs nimmt Sie mit auf eine Reise der Selbstfindung, showing how your intelligence works, how to develop its full potential, and how to use it effectively in daily life.

I’m sure you will enjoy it and I can’t wait to be your guide on this exciting new journey!

Your Instructor,

Chris M Nemo


Alle veröffentlichten Vorträge sind mit Untertiteln versehen. Die Untertitel dieses Kurses, automatisch von der Udemy-Plattform generiert, wurden vom Dozenten korrigiert, sodass sie von den Studierenden genutzt werden können.


Über Arkadmin

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