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Jira Server für Einsteiger

Jira Server für Einsteiger

Preis: $19.99

Jira for Beginners helps onboard new Jira users by covering the basics of Jira and creating a solid foundation for future Jira training. Nach diesem Kurs, you will be able to find your way around Jira and know how to create an Issue, the basics of permissions, how to search and create filters in Jira , and how to manage Issues and data through editing options, built-in reports, and dashboards.

In diesem Kurs, du wirst lernen wie:

  • Identify the purpose of Jira, what makes a project and a JIRA issue, and use those parts

  • Identify basic permission concepts and difference in groups and roles

  • Perform a basic searches in Jira and advanced search using simple JQL

  • Identify the different parts of a Jira workflow and the basic concepts behind workflow functions

  • Review reports available in a project and run these reports; also recognize that different reports are available in different types of projects

This training was written using Jira version 7.10.0 and should take about 2 Std.


Über Arkadmin

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