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Leadership Masterclass: Learn How to Lead Other People

Leadership Masterclass: Learn How to Lead Other People

Preis: $94.99

Would you like to develop proper leadership skills? And do you have a strong passion for interacting and managing other people? Beherrschung der Bereitstellung von Data Science/Machine Learning-Projekten.

In diesem Kurs, I will help you develop your leadership skills. Whether you want to enter a higher position in your company or just want to improve your leadership skills in general – Mach dir keine Sorge! I have you covered!

This course is an A-Z guide to personal leadership, leadership in business, leadership theories, styles and strategies.

So what exactly are you going to gain from this masterclass?

We will start out by learning about leadership theoriesin this regard we will cover the great man theory, traits theory, behavioural theory and contingency theory. You afterwards learn about leadership strategies and will take a test that will help you to figure out which kind of leader you are.

Später, we will cover how you can become more self-aware and I will show you step by step how to figure out your strengths and weaknesses, not just as a leader but also just simply as a person.

In the following chapter, you will learn about empathy and why empathy is the key to effective and long-lasting leadership in the 21st century.

We will finish this course off by talking about leadership personalities, I will hand you 40+ leadership strategies that you can apply instantly as well a complete training on global leadership.

While other courses leave you confused, this course is an A-Z guidethe complete course on leadership in business.

Jetzt, Ich möchte, dass sich meine Schüler beim Kauf immer wohl fühlen, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time


Ich bin auch nicht verantwortlich für Ihre Handlungen. Dieses Angebot gilt nicht ewig.

Go ahead and click the take this course right now button and I will see you in the course. Nochmals vielen Dank für die Anmeldung!


Über Arkadmin

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