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Leadership Masterclass: The Complete Course on Leadership

Leadership Masterclass: The Complete Course on Leadership

Preis: $109.99

Would you like to develop proper leadership skills but do not know how? And would like to learn how to not become a bossy, self-entitled leader but an empathetic, honest and forward-looking leader that people respect? Beherrschung der Bereitstellung von Data Science/Machine Learning-Projekten!

In diesem Kurs, I will take you from where you are right now and turn you into an einfühlsam, highly strategically thinking leader who looks out for Andere. I will make you an expert in leadership theories, leadership styles and strategies.

So what exactly are you going to gain from enrolling in this course?

In the beginning of this course, wir werden uns darauf konzentrieren leadership theories so wie die great man theory, traits theory, behavioural and contingency theory. Nachher, we will analyse the world’s most respected leaders such as Winston Churchill, DR. Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and Mahatma Gandhi. After we are done with that, you will learn about the most crucial traits that almost every leader possesses and I will introduce you to a three steps three chapters course structure.

In the first part of this course, wir werden uns darauf konzentrieren becoming more self-aware. You will learn how to identify your own strengths and weaknesses. We will learn about emotional intelligence, empathy and conduct a professional EQ test that you can take at any given time.

Im zweiten Teil dieses Kurses, we will then learn about other people. We will analyse their behaviour, Gefühle, ideology, und vieles mehr! You will become an expert in behavioural psychology and learn how to influence other people.

Im dritten Teil dieses Kurses, we will then learn about more than 30 leadership strategies von automated feedback loops to organisational structuring.

Wenn Sie mit diesem Kurs fertig sind, you will know exactly who you are, how to influence people, structure organisations, build long-lasting relationships, promote yourself, build a following and much more!

While other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse on leadership skills development, Dies ist ein Leitfaden von A-Z – the complete course on leadership skills!

Jetzt, Ich möchte, dass sich meine Schüler beim Kauf immer wohl fühlen, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.

Ebenfalls, Ich biete Ihnen ein 30 Tag Geld-zurück-Garantie!


Ich bin auch nicht verantwortlich für Ihre Handlungen. Dieses Angebot gilt nicht ewig.

Fahren Sie fort und klicken Sie auf „Diesen Kurs belegen“.’ Button und wir sehen uns im Kurs. Nochmals vielen Dank für die Anmeldung!

Über Arkadmin

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