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Learn Test management using HP ALM / QC (Quality Center)

Learn Test management using HP ALM / QC (Quality Center)

Preis: $79.99

This course will surely help you in good understanding with Test management using HP ALM / Quality Center tool .

Here i covered each module in detail with the detailed explanation along with the quiz at the end of the course.

Quality center is test management software from HP and one of the powerful tool for the test management activities. It offers basically release management, requirement management, test and defect management. Earlier when it was a product of Mercury before getting acquired by HP. Currently it is known as Application Life cycle Management tool (ALM).

ALM (Application Life Cycle Management) supports various phases of the software development life cycle and ALM is a web based tool that helps organizations to manage the application life cycle right from project planning, requirements gathering, testen & defect management which helps in reducing a lot of efforts with multiple teams.

This course covers all the modules of ALM / Quality Center in detail .

Release management

Requirement management

– Bestes manuelles QA-Software-Testen

Test lab

Defect management

Lets start with the learning !


Über Arkadmin

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