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Lernen von Adobe After Effects CC 2014

Lernen von Adobe After Effects CC 2014

Preis: $49.99

This beginner-focused After Effects course will help you enter the world of creative effects and video compositing by giving you the fundamentals and going step by step through onscreen examples.

You will start by learning to understand the workspace and workflow of After Effects, then jump into learning how to create a new composition. Von dort, Jerron will show you how to import and organize footage, as well as work with compositions and arrange and adjust layers. This video tutorial also covers topics including animating layer transform properties, adding and animating effects, Erstellen, Bearbeitung, and animating text, Formen, and masks, and using track mattes. You will also learn how to use the roto brush, create 3D layers, create and animate cameras and lights, and create and animate 3D objects with Cinema 4D Lite. Endlich, Jerron will teach you how to work with green screen footage, stabilize shaky video, set up a motion track, and use the graph editor.

Sobald Sie diesen computergestützten Schulungskurs abgeschlossen haben, you will be fully capable of using After Effects for your graphic design and video editing needs.


Über Arkadmin

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