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Microsoft Excel vom Anfänger bis zum Fortgeschrittenen

Microsoft Excel vom Anfänger bis zum Fortgeschrittenen

Preis: $94.99

The Microsoft Excel course exposes students to all available tools, command and Functions in the application. The training is carefully structured to take care of the learning needs of students, who are really yearning to know how to use Excel to carry out tasks in their workplaces. The course is also prepared to help regular users of the application, who want to upgrade their knowledge and upskill.

The Beginners to Intermediate topics capture the most frequently used command for day to day tasks. The Advanced level is also to help students learn the most advanced formulas, Funktionen, and Tools. The advanced Excel training course builds on the beginner to intermediate course and is designed specifically for spreadsheet users who are already proficient and looking to take their skills to an advanced level.

The advanced excel tutorial will help you start a career in the area of data and financial analysis especially in the following fields; investment banking, private equity, corporate development, and equity research. By watching the instructor build all the formulas and functions right on your screen, you can easily pause, replay, and repeat exercises until you have mastered them.


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