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Microsoft MB-230 and MB-240 Cert Exam : Übungstest 2021

Microsoft MB-230 and MB-240 Cert Exam : Übungstest 2021

Preis: $29.99

Welcome to the practice test exam Microsoft MB-230 and MB-240 Cert Exam : Übungstest 2021

MB-230 exam candidates are Dynamics 365 functional consultants with customer service expertise. Candidates are responsible for implementing omnichannel solutions that focus upon service, Qualität, Verlässlichkeit, Wirksamkeit, and customer satisfaction.

Die Kandidaten sollten die Branchenterminologie verstehen, Prioritäten, Normen, Methoden, customer service operations, und Best Practices. Candidates should include a comprehensive understanding of the Customer Service application’s role in relationship to the Dynamics 365 suite of applications along with a basic understanding of the solution architecture and quality assurance.

MB-240 exam candidates are Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement functional consultants with Field Service expertise. Candidates are responsible for implementing solutions that manage resources that complete the field service lifecycle.

Dieser Praxistest hilft Ihnen bei der Vorbereitung auf die echte offizielle Microsoft-Prüfungstestumgebung.

Microsoft Exam MB-230 Certification Exam improve the following skills questions:

  • Konfiguration durchführen

  • Manage cases and the knowledge base

  • Manage queues, entitlements, and SLAs

  • Configure Forms Pro

Microsoft Exam MB-240 Certification Exam improve the following skills questions:

  • Configure field service applications

  • Manage work orders

  • Schedule and dispatch work orders

  • Manage field service mobility

  • Manage inventory and purchasing

  • Manage assets and agreements

Dies ist ein inoffizieller Kurs und dieser Kurs ist nicht angegliedert, in irgendeiner Weise mit Microsoft lizenziert oder markenrechtlich geschützt.

Viel Glück !


Über Arkadmin

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