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Verhandlung: Werden Sie ein mächtiger und strategischer – Unterhändler.

Verhandlung: Werden Sie ein mächtiger und strategischer – Unterhändler.

Preis: $59.99

A powerful course that aims to address a key skill that is often missing from the contemporary business operatorstool kit.

This course prepares the individual for any negotiation situation, and the skills acquired will aid the individual in both personal and professional scenarios. Aspects covered in this course umfassen Preparations; Theorie; Tactics; Planung; Ausführung; Verwaltung; Ausrichtung; Delivery, Constituent Management; Feedback loops; and Distillation.

We aim to provide participants with the tools & Methoden, that will help: assessing, scoping, and sizing, potential opportunities in broad and varied negotiation settings, as well as arming the negotiator with risk mitigation solutions.


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