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Oracle Primavera P6 – Projektmanagement

Oracle Primavera P6 – Projektmanagement

Preis: $94.99

In diesem Kurs, application of basic and advance techniques of Oracle Primavera P6 in managing projects explained in detail covering all modules available in the tool.

For the ease of learners, the course is splitted into 6 Sitzungen

1. Introduction to Project management, Creation of Currency, ENV, OBS, Projekte, Notebooks and funding sources,

2. Creation of calendar, Resources and roles, cost accounts, resource codes and resource shifts, Project portfolios .

3. Introduction to scheduling, Creation of WBS, Aktivitäten, Activity relationship, activity step templates creation, total float and free float and resource assignments.

4. Creation and assigning Baselines, Kosten, Wps and Docs, Issues management, Risks identification and management, creating thresholds parameters and monitoring thersholds.

5. Budget allocation and tracking, Spending plan, Resource usage distribution, creation and assigning of resource curves, resource levelling, Actuals updation, Gantt charts, Delay analysis, Global change

6. Brief on Earned value management, Creation of Earned value layout , Earned value and S curves analysis on project tracking, Report generations


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