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Rocket Reading: Learn to Read Faster and Comprehend More

Rocket Reading: Learn to Read Faster and Comprehend More

Preis: $19.99

In diesem Kurs, you’ll learn how to become a faster, more efficient reader and how to get through more reading in less time, while getting more out of it.

Wouldn’t it be nice to get through books, textbooks or any other type of reading material at a fast pace? And to retain and remember more of what you read? With this speed reading course, Sie können.

In diesem Kurs, you’ll learn simple speed reading techniques that will increase your reading speed 2-3 mal schneller. This course will not only teach you to read faster, but it will also teach you how to improve your memory, Konzentration, and understanding what you just read.

The techniques taught in this course are quick and easy to learn whether you are a student, business professional or you just want to increase your reading speed for your own personal development.

The speed reading techniques taught in this course can be applied to books, computers tablets and any other type of reading material.


Über Arkadmin

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