SQL-Server 2017x – Leistungsoptimierung & Erweitertes Dienstprogramm
Preis: $24.99
Hallo angehender Lerner,
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Hier bin ich Branchenveteran mit Erfahrung 18+ Jahre Erfahrung mit SQL Server als Architect DBA , Introducing one more new job oriented courses which will help you to introduce yourself as Perforamnce Tuning Consultant and SQL Server DBA in industry as level 2+ oder 3+ level Consultant. Microsoft SQL DBA ist eine traditionelle Datenbanktechnologie, die im IT-Bereich sehr beliebt ist.
Die Industrie nutzt diese Technologie seit Jahren 1997 als Microsoft seine erste Version von SQL Server herausbrachte.
I would encourage and recommended to aspiring learners to go ahead with this Performance Tuning and Advance utility course and take a deep dive in Sql server technology towards become ad perofmance tuning consultant. Existing DBA’s must go through with this course to resolve your day to day performance related issues on production Server.
Wer sollte diesen Kurs belegen –
1. A Database Professional or Consultant who is in to into SQL Server related technolog and would like to build their career as SQL Server performance tuning consultant OR DBA Consultant to serve in the industry and would like to become a key assest in managing their production databases.
2. Existing DBA/IT professional who would like to learn advance utility related to performance issues of SQL server as Database professional
3. Any other database or IT professional with Beginners level of SQL server skills.
Was angehende Lernende nach Abschluss dieses Kurses erreichen werden –
1. Performance related issues are frequent issue which Database consultant faces during their day to day work and this course will help them to analyse the issue and would be able to resolve the performance related problem.
1. Er/Sie ist ein professioneller Advanced Level DBA oder 2+ Ebene und 3+ Stufe DBA
2. Performance Tuning Consultant of SQL Server
Please do visit to my other course page to learn more :
1. SQL Server-DBA 2017 – Beginners to Moderate Level – A Guid
2. SQL Server-DBA 2017 – Fortgeschrittene Stufe – Ein Ratgeber
Danke schön.
Kursdesign, entwickelt & Beauftragen durch
Rakesh Jain
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