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SSCP Certification (Systems Security Certified Practitioner

SSCP Certification (Systems Security Certified Practitioner

Preis: $109.99

The Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) is the ideal certification for those with proven technical skills and practical, hands-on security knowledge in operational IT roles. It provides confirmation of a practitioner’s ability to implement, monitor and administer IT infrastructure in accordance with information security policies and procedures that ensure data confidentiality, integrity and availability. Initially Course provides information about certification exam. Then It covers 7 domains of SSCP Examination Curriculum. Successful candidates will become competent in the following 7 Domänen:

• Access Controls

• Security Operations and Administration

• Risk Identification, Überwachung, und Analyse

• Incident Response and Recovery

• Cryptography

• Network and Communications Security

• Systems and Application Security

After Completion this course, Student will be able to secure systems, Lernen, applications and will be able to implement IT security policies

Über den Autor

A computer and cyber security expert, Sunil Gupta consults in information technology with a focus on cyber security. He is an invited speaker for, and a member of many key organizations.Sunil is a technology visionary and cyber security professional who thrives on solving complex problems. Zu seinen beruflichen Highlights zählen die Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Unternehmen, organizations and products. His primary passion is cyber security, aber er versteht das, um eine Organisation erfolgreich zu sichern, Sie müssen über ein detailliertes Verständnis von Netzwerken und verwandten Bereichen verfügen. Seine Leidenschaft gilt dem Kundenservice und seiner Rolle als Experte für Cybersicherheit, and always exceeds his clients’ expectations.Sunil performs leading-edge security consulting and works in research and development as a security expert to advance the state of the art in information systems security.

Über Arkadmin

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