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Windows Azure with Powershell

Windows Azure with Powershell

Preis: $49.99

Learn the basic concepts about powershell, Azure Storage account, Virtual Networks, Virtual Machines and Cloud Services.

We will learn the Azure powershell commands to create and manage some windows Azure objects.

You will have access to videos and articles to help you learn the content and in the the final of each section you will do an exercise that to train what you learned.

This course have a almost two hours of videos and 32 lessons to help you automate you work in windows azure cloud.

Learn azure powershell, Speicherkonten, Zugriffsschlüssel verwalten, virtual machines and cloud services basic concepts.

In diesem Kurs lernst du:

Poweshell basic concepts;

Add a Account on Azure Powershell Console;

Manage a storage account with Powershell;

Manage a Virtual Network with Poweshell;

Manage a Cloud Service with Powershell;

Manage a Virtual Machine with Powershell;

We will learn basic commands and create scripts to automate our work.


Über Arkadmin

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