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AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals – Microsoft Azure Fundamentoj

AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals – Microsoft Azure Fundamentoj

Prezo: $64.99

If you do not feel safe and prepared to take the exam: AZ-900, today you can leave that thought to the past, I present the Practice Test for AZ-900 fully updated giving you the chance to pass the first attempt.

2 Reasons You Should Be Microsoft Azure Certified

  • 1. Career flexibility

There are several benefits associated with using cloud computing, and most companies are shifting their workloads to the cloud. With any Microsoft Azure certification, you can manage, develop and deploy cloud services across different industries, such as finance, sanzorgo, banking, government or insurance. Several cloud computing professionals certified in Microsoft Azure fill positions around the worldincluding remote positions in Europe (UK, Francio, Germanujo), Usono, Asia and others.

  • 2. Higher wages

According to ZipRecruiter’s salary report, the average Azure developer earns $ 131,838 per year and the average Azure architect earns $ 144,866 jare. Kaj, the salary can be increased gradually when the required courses are taken to become a certified Senior Azure professional.

Salary ranges vary in different regions and different areas of the world. The average salary for a Microsoft Azure certified professional starts at $ 40,914 and earns about $ 172,170 per year for senior roles.

The Microsoft Azure AZ-900 exam is a good choice to choose if you are planning to build a career in Azure. Even if it is not a basic development or architecture exam, having technical knowledge is certainly a complement.

Detaloj pri ekzameno:

The Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exams (AZ-900) kovrilo 40 al 60 questions that need to be answered in 85 minutoj. There are different types of questions asked during the exam, including case study, mallongaj respondoj, multiple choice, brand evaluation, drag and drop, ktp. Krome, this exam will cost $ 99 Usona dolaro. Sed memoru, you need to score 700 or more points to pass the Microsoft AZ-900 exam. Krome, the exam is available in four languages. This includes English, Japanoj, ĉinoj (simpligita), korea.

Measured skills

Priskribu nubajn konceptojn (15-20%)

Describe the main Azure services (30-35%)

Priskribu sekurecon, privateco, compliance and trust (25-30%)

Describe Azure prices, service level agreements and life cycles (20-25%)


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