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Azure Cloud Administrator Certification- LA 103 [Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Praktika Testo Mar]

Azure Cloud Administrator Certification- LA 103 [Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Praktika Testo Mar]

Prezo: $19.99

If you looking for an in-depth tutorial on Microsoft Azure, where you will learn various cloud services with prime focus on Cloud Administration. This course curriculum is designed in a way that it may be helpful for Microsoft Azure Cloud Administrator Certification Exam (LA 103). In this course you will be learning a wide range of cloud services and tools on Microsoft azure.

Here you will learn Cloud Storage services like- Blob, Dosiera Stokado, and Queue.

Database Services like CosmosDB and SqlDB.

Azure Command Line Interface (AZ CLI), Cloudshell, Storage Explorer.

Projects like- Stokado, Host a Website on Cloud, WordPress, ktp

Security features like- Security Center, havas pli ol, VPN-Enirejo, DDoS Protection, Key Vault, Dedicated HSM, Application Gateway, Sentinel

Migration features like- Site Recovery, Database Migration

Azure Administrators are supposed to manage cloud services that span storage, sekureco, retigado, and compute cloud capabilities. They are expected to have a deep understanding of each service across the full IT lifecycle, and take requests for infrastructure services, aplikoj, and environments. They make recommendations on services to use for optimal performance and scale, as well as provision, grandeco, monitoro, kaj alĝustigi rimedojn laŭeble.

Even if you are a beginner to Cloud Computing or Microsoft Azure, you would still be in a position to learn a lot in this course.


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