Basics of Digital Techniques
Prezo: Senpaga
This Course provides an Overview of Number Systems and Logic Gates in Digital Circuits. It give a general overview of the design of Logic Gates starting from the problem to truth table and after this obtaining a function relies to the combination of inputs. It provides for students the opportunity to design a circuit based on Gates. This course is basic to understand digital system.
This Course includes following topics with Simple Animated Video Explanation.
Introduction to number system & terms related to it. ( Kondiĉoj – Bit, Byte. Nibble )
Convert the Number from the given Number System to the specified Number System. ( Number systems – Decimal , Binara, Octal , Hexadecimal an their Conversions from one Number System to another (Integer and Fractional).)
Perform the given Binary Arithmetic Operation on the given Data. (Binary Arithmetic – Compliments – 1’s and 2’s, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division (ĝis 8 iom).
Codes – BCD, Gray, ASCII, EBCDIC ( Their Conversion with Examples )
Derive the Truth Table of the given basic Logic Gate/ Derived Logic Gate. Basic gates ( praktikaj gviditaj laboratorioj por tiuj, kiuj havas la tempon kaj deziron konstrui praktikajn kapablojn,AŬ,praktikaj agadoj inkluzivitaj en la kurso, kiuj estas dezajnitaj por helpi vin evoluigi vian fortikecon kaj administri streson ) , Derived gates (NAND,NOR,EX-OR,EX-NOR) , Universal gates)
In this test you can Test your Knowledge in Logic Gates and there is a two part of test first part is Logic Gate basics and the second part is NAND & NOR Gate.
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