Build your Willpower – The Science of Self-Control
Prezo: $94.99
Based on the latest research and cutting-edge insights from psychology, neuroscience and medicine, this course distills it all into practical lessons and tools to build your self-control.
Use self-control to improve your health, happiness and productivity
- Learn how to train the brain areas in charge of self-control
- Get a wide variety of willpower hacks that you can apply right away
- Learn to switch from the emotional to the rational brain system
- Increase your willpower energy reservoir
- Kaj multe pli
Willpower is a skill, not an innate virtue. This course will teach you how to build it
Self-control affects your life almost constantly. Whether it’s going for a run after work, writing another job application or resisting the temptation of watching another episode Big Bang Theory. All of these decisions depend on your self-control.
When it comes to success, self-control is more important than intelligence. It’s more important than the education you got or how ambitious you are. Research shows that your willpower affects your income, how successful your career is and how healthy you are – both physically and mentally.
This course will teach you to learn and apply the insights psychologists and neuroscientists have had over the last decades. And it will take you on a journey towards understanding and mastering willpower. To maximize your success, sano kaj feliĉo.
Ankoraŭ unu afero: Vi havas tute senkondiĉan monon-revenan garantion. Ĝi permesas vin studi la kurson por 30 tagoj kaj se vi estas iel malkontenta pri ĝi, vi ricevos plenan repagon, neniuj demandoj! Enskribiĝi en la kurson estas absolute senriska.
Kiel vicigi viajn fokusajn kutimojn kun viaj celoj “tiam ne ekzistas kialo kial vi ne povas komenci Liberigi vin de ĉi tiu tempopostula dependeco hodiaŭ” butono nun kaj enskribiĝu!
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