Komerca angla: Farante Prezentajn Kvizojn & Respondoj – Coursera
Improve your presentation skills with comprehensive quizzes and expert answers in Komerca angla: Komerca angla: Making Presentations. Discover the skills needed to make effective presentations in a professional environment and master the language and techniques essential for effective communication. These quizzes will serve as a valuable tool to help you improve your English language skills and confidence when making presentations, ensuring that your presentations are clear and engage your audience.
Whether you are a business professional seeking to hone your prezento skills or an individual who wants to excel at giving persuasive speeches, this collection provides valuable information on how to prepare and deliver successful prezentoj en la angla. Join us on a journey to communicative excellence as we explore the strategies and linguistic nuances needed to capture and inform audiences effectively.
Guidelines on Giving a Presentation
Are the following good or bad ideas when you’re preparing to give a presentation? Choose good idea or bad idea.
1. Practice your presentation more than once.
good idea
bad idea
2. Stand tall.
good idea
bad idea
3. Always walk back and forth in front of the podium.
good idea
bad idea
4. Don’t move your body during a presentation.
good idea
bad idea
5. It’s important to read from your script.
good idea
bad idea
6. Face the audience and have eye contact.
good idea
bad idea
7. Speak quickly.
good idea
bad idea
8. Pause before and after your main point.
good idea
bad idea
9. Stress the final letter in an abbreviation where you say the letters, such as IBM.
good idea
bad idea
10. Use fillers frequently instead of silence.
good idea
bad idea
Effective Introductions
Parto 1: What is the purpose of each sentence? Select the right answer.
1. Pasintjare, activities related to conventions added more than $1 billion to the economy in our city.
Faru demandon.
Introduce yourself
Present a surprising statistic.
Present your objectives.
Show the direction of your talk.
Tell a story.
2. How many of you went to a convention in the last 5 jaroj?
Faru demandon.
Introduce yourself.
Present a surprising statistic.
Present your objectives.
Show the direction of your talk.
Tell a story.
3. Lasta semajno, Las Vegas hosted the largest convention in history.
Faru demandon.
Introduce yourself.
Present a surprising statistic.
Present your objectives.
Show the direction of your talk.
Tell a story.
4. Unue, we’re going to explain reasons for the problem. Then…
Faru demandon.
Introduce yourself.
Present a surprising statistic.
Present your objectives.
Show the direction of your talk.
Tell a story
5. I’m the director of the Tourism Board.
Faru demandon.
Introduce yourself.
Present a surprising statistic.
Present your objectives.
Show the direction of your talk.
Tell a story.
6. Let me show you our plan.
Faru demandon.
Introduce yourself.
Present a surprising statistic.
Present your objectives.
Show the direction of your talk.
Tell a story.
Parto 2: Choose the best word to complete these sentences.
7. Raise your hands _______ you have been to a convention in the last 5 jaroj.
8. _______ you could increase the number of visitors to the city by 200% in three years?
Kio se
9. _____ you have been to a convention in the last 5 jaroj?
La esploristoj trovis, ke virinoj pli verŝajne parolis, kiam pli da demandoj estis faritaj
How many of
10. Unue, I’m going to ______ you our plan for our presentation.
11. ______ what we are going to show you today.
Ĉi tio
12. EFL ________ English as a foreign language.
is for
Transitions Expressions
Parto 1: What is the purpose of each sentence?
1. So what can we do about this?
- to give more information
- to go to the next point
- to explain why something is significant
- to introduce possible solutions
2. Let’s look at this in more detail.
- to give more information
- to go to the next point
- to explain why something is significant
- to introduce possible solutions
3. Let’s move on to talk about the cost.
- to give more information
- to go to the next point
- to explain why something is significant
- to introduce possible solutions
4. This is important to avoid later problems.
- to give more information
- to go to the next point
- to explain why something is significant
- to introduce possible solutions
5. We’ll discuss this in more detail in a few minutes.
- to give an example
- to change speakers
- to explain a previous point or return to a previous slide
- to promise more later
Backing up a minute, when I spoke about the issue, I didn’t mean that it was impossible.
- to give an example
- to change speakers
- to explain a previous point or return to a previous slide
- to promise more later
7. Here’s an example of what I mean.
- to give an example
- to change speakers
- to explain a previous point or return to a previous slide
to promise more later
8. Now Sheila is going to talk about possible solutions.
- to give an example
- to change speakers
- to explain a previous point or return to a previous slide
- to promise more later
9. Kiel mi menciis pli frue, the cost is minimal.
- to rephrase
- to refer back
- to review or summarize
- to end
10. To close, let me suggest a course of action.
- to rephrase
- to refer back
- to review or summarize
- to end
11. Alivorte, there’s no easy solution.
- to rephrase
- to refer back
- to review or summarize
- to end
12. bone, so to recap, we’ve talked about these important issues: cost and timing.
- to rephrase
- to refer back
- to review or summarize
- to end
Parto 2: Choose the best word to complete these sentences.
13. Let’s move ______ to the next point.
- en
- on
14. I’d like to ______ back just a minute to show you that chart again.
- movi
- go
15. Before we look ________ costs, let’s discuss the time involved in each option.
- ĉe
- al
16. There are several options _______.
- considering
- to consider
17. Thank you for ________.
- your attention
- your listening
18. I’d like to close by ________ you one question.
- Kiel Vi Povas Eble Ensaluti En La Tutmonda Ensaluta Portalo de Purdue University Por Interretaj Studentoj
- asking
19. Now I’m going to turn ________ to Professor Jenkins.
- familio Jugladacoj
- it over
20. What I mean ________ it’s going to be expensive.
- is that
- ke
21. This step is important ______ prevent more problems.
- al
- por
22. Do, what ~ do about this problem?
- we can
- can we
Enkonduko, Transiroj, and Conclusions
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Introduction to the Presentation:
Good afternoon. My name is Pat Jonas. I’m here today to talk about trends in the travel industry.
How are you doing? Nice to be here today, ĉu ne? I’m certainly happy to be here! My name’s Pat Jonas .
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Introduction to the Presentation
Today I’m going to show you what’s going on in the travel industry. I believe you all work in travel agencies, don’t you? So you’re all aware that a lot of people don’t use travel agencies anymore.
I’d like to start with a statistic I saw last week in the news. Did you know that only 18% of customers book their travel through agents like you ?
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Introduction to the Presentation
I know you’re all aware of this, and worried, ankaŭ, aren’t you? I’m sorry, but that’s just reality.
So in the next twenty minutes. I’m going to talk about what we can do to increase our business and to bring people back from online sites.
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Introduction to the Presentation
Here’s an overview of my talk.
Now let me introduce my overview.
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Introduction to the Presentation
We’ll have time for questions at the end.
Just interrupt me anytime if you have some questions, or if I’m not clear .
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Later in the Presentation
I’m going to describe two groups, millennials and folks in the AARP.
Unue, let’s take a look at changes in the market, particularly two groups – millennials, tio estas, people born between 1981 kaj 1996, and seniors.
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Later in the Presentation
Do, you know, millennials like, la mezo, you know, talk the same way we uh older people do, and uh, they don’t uh, you know, familio Jugladacoj, make travel decisions the same way either .
As you know, millennials are very tech-savvy, so they use online and digital devices to research and book travel.
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Later in the Presentation
This is a big problem, so do you have any ideas what to do about it ?
Do, what can we do to attract their business?
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
I see you want to talk about this, but I have some surprising information for you. Are you ready for it?
Could you be quiet in the back, bonvolu ?
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Let’s go back a bit here. Statistics don’t always tell the whole story. What’s missing here is the increase we’ve seen recently.
I forgot to say that the statistics don’t always give all the facts we need to know .
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Some types of travel are perfect for the person-to-person contact that an agent provides. Eco-travel requires first-hand experience and is a bit of a risk .
Some types of travel are perfect for the person-to-person contact that an agent provides. Ekzemple, few people are want to commit to eco-travel without personal contact.
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Later in the Presentation
To close, here are my suggestions for each of the challenges I outlined.
bone, that’s it. Here are some suggestions for you to think about .
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Later in the Presentation
Thank you for your listening .
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Later in the Presentation
Do you have any question?
And now I’d be happy to answer any questions.
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Later in the Presentation
Kio? I don’t understand you .
Could you repeat that, bonvolu?
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Later in the Presentation
Don’t yell. I’m not going to talk about that .
I can see that you’re upset.
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Later in the Presentation
I don’t believe that’s true.
That’s a lie
Choose the best sentence to use for an effective, professional presentation. The items follow the progression of a typical presentation.
Later in the Presentation
Why are you asking me that question ?
I’m sorry. I’m not an expert in that area.
Semajno 02: Komerca angla: Making Presentations Quiz Answers
Describing Charts and Graphs
Take a look at the chart. What kind is it?
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- a broken line graph
- a dotted line graph
- ŝlosilon
- a table
- a line graph
- a bar graph
- a pie chart
- a segment
What kind of graph is this?
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- a table
- a line graph
- a bar graph
- a dotted line graph
- a broken line graph
- a pie chart
- ŝlosilon
- a segment
What kind of graph is this?
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- a pie chart
- a table
- a broken line graph
- a dotted line graph
- a bar graph
- a line graph
- a segment
- ŝlosilon
What kind of graph is this?
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- a dotted line graph
- ŝlosilon
- a line graph
- a table
- a bar graph
- a broken line graph
- a pie chart
- a segment
What kind of graph is this?
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- ŝlosilon
- a pie chart
- a dotted line graph
- a line graph
- a bar graph
- a broken line graph
- a table
- a segment
What kind of graph is this?
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a bar graph
a pie chart
a line graph
a dotted line graph
a segment
a table
a broken line graph
What is this element that the arrow is pointing to?
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a segment
Giving Details about Data
Look at the chart . Complete the sentences to give details about the data.
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1. ___ between May and October.
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The most of visitation is
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Most people visit
Look at the chart . Complete the sentences to give details about the data
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2. The number of visitors in May ____ about half the number in September.
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Look at the chart . Complete the sentences to give details about the data
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3. ___ people visit in September as in May.
Twice as many
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Two times
Look at the chart . Complete the sentences to give details about the data.
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4. July has ___ visitors.
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the more
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the most
Look at the chart . Complete the sentences to give details about the data
5. There are ___ visitors in August ___ in June.
more… than
as many … as
Look at the chart . Complete the sentences to give details about the data
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6. December has ___ more visitors than November does.
a lot
Look at the chart . Complete the sentences to give details about the data.
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7. The ___ highest number of people visited in August.
number two
Look at the chart . Complete the sentences to give details about the data.
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8. Forty four ____ of the young people consulted social media.
Look at the chart . Complete the sentences to give details about the data.
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9. The ___ of people who consult social media varied according to age.
Look at the chart . Complete the sentences to give details about the data.
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What is Expedia?
- a marketing firm
- an airline
- an online travel agency
How many brands does Expedia encompass?
- pri 5
- pri 30
- pri 15
Is Expedia on mobile devices as well as online?
- jes
- Ne
How many websites does Expedia have globally?
- 50
- 400
- 200
What is the biggest change in recent years?
- use of mobile devices
- use of social media
- use of online advertisement
Trends Vocabulary.
Choose the correct use of words to describe the chart.
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1. There was ____ sales.
increased by
an upward trend in
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2. Sales increased _____ twenty percent.
Look at these two pie charts. You will use them to answer the questions.
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3. Doobly had a decline ____ 10% ___ marketshare.
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by … of
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of … in
Look at these two pie charts. You will use them to answer the questions.
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4. MacroINK’s market share increased ____.
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Look at these two pie charts. You will use them to answer the questions.
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5. PICO’s market decreased ____.
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de 5% al 4%
inter 6% kaj 12%
Look at these two pie charts. You will use them to answer the questions.
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6. This chart shows the change in market share ___ a two-year period.
Look at this bar chart. You will use them to answer the questions.
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7. The number of visits _________ dramatically ______ 2011 al 2012.
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Look at this bar chart. You will use them to answer the questions.
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8. Visits do______ ______ 2011 ______ 2012.
doubled between…and…
tripled over…but
Look at this bar chart. You will use them to answer the questions.
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9. The number of visits ______ in 2012.
Look at this bar chart. You will use them to answer the questions.
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10. Visits ______ sharply in 2013.
Look at this bar chart. You will use them to answer the questions
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11. Visits fell ______ 60% en 2013.
Look at this bar chart. You will use them to answer the questions
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12. Visits ______ ______ in 2014.
decreased dramatically
leveled off
Semajno 03: Komerca angla: Making Presentations Quiz Answers
Making Sentences More Compelling
Complete the sentences.
1. ___, it is a bit cold here in the winter.
a. Verdire
b. If you’re like me
2. ___, you’re probably wondering about the cost.
a. Honestly
b. If you’re like me
3. ___ the truth, there is a lot of traffic, which is why the subway is a great way to get to work.
a. Tell
b. To tell you
4. I’m sure ___ about the cost.
a. informoj
b. you’d like to know
5. As you know, ___ one of the busiest airports in the world.
a. ni havas
b. that we have
6. Everyone agrees ___ a great place to live.
a. estas
b. that this is
7. ___ a doubt, this is an amazing place to live.
a. Ne
b. Without
8. The mountain is a ___ place to visit.
a. clearly
b. spectacular
9. It will be one of the most ___ experiences of your life.
a. incredibly
b. memorable
10. Our _____ renovated hotel is located in the heart of the city.
Marketing Expressions
Choose the best option for a marketing piece.
Focus on the service you offer .
Focus on your customer’s needs.
Choose the best option for a marketing piece.
Enjoy the spectacular view of the city from our Sky Restaurant.
The restaurant on the top floor of our building has a spectacular view.
Choose the best option for a marketing piece.
Our hotel is truly outstanding.
We have received the Best Hotel award for the last ten years.
Choose the best option for a marketing piece.
You can register in two minutes or less.
Our very efficient registration service is incredibly fast .
Choose the best option for a marketing piece.
Our event planners are very highly regarded .
Ninety-eight percent of our clients highly recommend our event planners.
Choose the best option for a marketing piece.
Our highly experienced event planners will make sure your conference is successful.
Our five event planners work with clients to ensure successful conferences
Choose the best option for a marketing piece.
The average temperature is mild all year .
Feel the warm breeze as you watch the sun set.
Choose the best option for a marketing piece.
You get all the credit. No one needs to know that we do all the work.
Our event planners can take care of all the details .
Choose the best option for a marketing piece.
Our staff will assist you with all your audio/visual needs.
We have audio/visual technology in all of our meeting rooms .
Choose the best option for a marketing piece.
Relax and enjoy exceptional food at one of our award-winning restaurants .
We have three award-winning restaurants in the resort.
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