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Create an IT Startup With No Programming or Experience

Create an IT Startup With No Programming or Experience

Prezo: $19.99

If you have a great idea for an app or website, but aren’t a programmer, ĉi tiu klaso estas por vi. In this class you’ll learn:

  • The secrets of successful startup development
  • How to plan your project
  • How to hire the developer that’s right for you
  • How to manage your developer
  • IT concepts you need to know to run a startup
  • The latest Web, Mobile app, and Desktop technologies
  • How to make your product easy to use and understand
  • Class is updated periodically with new content at no additional cost

Ĝis la fino de ĉi tiu kurso, you’ll be able to start turning your idea into a reality.

This class has a 30 day money back guarantee through Udemy. Vi havas nenion por perdi, and everything to gain.


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