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Heidi Nazarudin, former financial CEO turned influential fashion blogger,internet Thought Leader, kun super 1 Million followers, founder and CEO of her own digital marketing agency, Marque Media, wants to share with you the 10 steps that she personally used, and still does, to create the Ambitionista Brand and curate such a loyal engaged following. After taking this course you will have knowledge and understanding of the following:
-Know and understand the difference between visual branding kaj voice branding and how they work together.
-Understand why social media is an absolutely necessary tool for creating a BRAND.
-How to audit your social media to find out where your brand is today kaj identigi kaj correct any gaps inter kie vi estas kaj where you want to be with your social media.
-Discover what is unique about you and how to begin turning this into your Brand.
-How to get people to care about what you say on Social Media.
-Kiuj estas la differences between the various Social Media channels and which ones should you invest your time and efforts into.
-How to monitor, assess, and improve your social media numbers to foster development of a highly visible brand which will afford you ŝancoj in your life that you never imagined possible.
Entreprenistoj, such as Gary V, or Richard Branson, who develop their Brands into international internet phenoms are the rock stars of today. Everyone wants to recreate or reproduce that success and develop a well known, highly engaged Brand, but the truth is very few actually know how to do this. Kun super 1 Million followers across all of her social media platforms and as founder and CEO of a successful digital marketing agency, Heidi Nazarudin doesn’t just “La Finfina C# kaj Unity-kurso por komencantoj” others how to do it, she has actually done it. Sign up today to learn the very same tools, ĈION vi bezonas, and tricks that Heidi used to curate her social media following into a brand revered and respected the world over.
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