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DevOps: DevOps en la Reala Mondo: 3-en-1

DevOps: DevOps en la Reala Mondo: 3-en-1

Prezo: $89.99

DevOps fariĝas realo en la IT-laborejo. Povi regi kaj administri la bazajn ilojn por DevOps, estas la unua paŝo al sukceso. DevOps implementation is most practical when implemented with the best known continuous delivery practices. Dum la efektiviga etapo, necesas uzi agadojn rilate al konstruado, testing and deployment. Tiel ĉi, the necessary software is always enabled and available in a ready to release mode.

This comprehensive 3-in-1 course is a step-by-step, practical tutorial that shows you how to harness the DevOps methodology and DevOps tools in a practical way to efficiently manage and automate the development and deployment of a web application on to a cloud service. Gain skills in order to add resilient services to your app or infrastructure by learning configuration management, continuous deployment, and other DevOps techniques. Employ key modern DevOps tools such as Vagrant, Marioneto, and Docker to make your development process efficient. Practically implement a complete development workflow, from initial development to testing to deployment on to the cloud.

Enhavo kaj Superrigardo

Ĉi tiu trejnadprogramo inkluzivas 3 kompletaj kursoj, zorge elektita por doni al vi la plej ampleksan trejnadon ebla.

La unua kurso, DevOps Fundamentoj, covers modern DevOps using cutting-edge tools and technologies such as Ansible, Kubernetes, and Google Cloud Platform. Ĉi tiu videokurso komenciĝas klarigante la organizan vicigon, kiu devas okazi en ĉiu kompanio, kiu volas efektivigi DevOps por esti efika., and the use of cloud datacenters in combination with the most advanced DevOps tools to get the best out of a small team of skilled engineers.

La dua kurso, Mastering DevOps, covers day-to-day IT infrastructure challenges by taking advantage of the DevOps revolution. Automate and build configurations for infrastructure servers and then address areas of automation, continuous deployment, ujoj, kaj monitorado. You’ll create impressive changes to how you deliver software and services. It instills a deeper insight into applying DevOps principles with a variety of tools like Puppet, Saltstack, Vagrant, and Graphite.

La tria kurso, DevOps for Web Developers, covers full potential of DevOps to build and deploy modern web apps efficiently. You’ll learn to use GitHub to push code and commit the changes using git. Understand the basics of configuration management and the architecture of DevOps. You’ll see how to take care of deploying the code into our new shiny servers. Then we’ll explore monitoring and various solutions to the range of problems we might face. Fine, you’ll be able to develop, deploji, administri, and automate your complete web application on a cloud service.

Konstruu kaj Programu Smart LEGO Mindstorm EV3 Roboton, deca manage your day to day challenges with IT infrastructure by taking advantage of the DevOps revolution to build and deploy modern web apps efficiently.

Pri la Aŭtoroj

  • David Gonzalez estas entuziasma inĝeniero kaj aŭtoro de libro nomata Developing Microservices with Node.js; as microservices don’t work without platform automation, he wrote this book to deliver the best possible deal to the readers of both books. Li estas spertulo pri Guglo-Programisto (nomumo de Guglo al certaj fakuloj en pluraj areoj) en Kubernetes (NRO), kiu ĝuas esti puŝita el sia komfortzono por akrigi siajn kapablojn. Java, Node.js, dum espereble amuziĝas, and DevOpsas well as a holistic approach to securityare part of the skill set that has helped him deliver value across different startups and corporations. Nuntempe, li estas konsultisto ĉe nearForm, ebligante kompaniojn liveri la plej bonan eblan solvon al siaj IT-problemoj aŭ proponoj, as well as an avid speaker at conferences, such asRebelCon, and Google I/O Extended, inter aliaj.
  • Dave Mangot is the Director of Operations for Librato and Papertrail and an accomplished systems engineer with over 20 jaroj’ de Kvizoj. He has held positions in various organizations, from small startups such as Terracotta to multinational corporations such as Cable & Wireless and Salesforce, in positions ranging from systems administrator to architect. He has led the transformations of multiple companies both in operational maturity and in a deeper adherence to DevOps thinking. He enjoys time spent as a mentor, speaker, and student to so many talented members of the community. Dave lives with his wife and three children in San Francisco, KE.
  • Mitesh Soni is a DevOps enthusiast. He has worked on projects for DevOps enablement using Microsoft Azure and VSTS. He also has experience in working with other tools that are DevOps enablers such as Jenkins, Chef, IBM UrbanCode Deploy, Atlassian Bamboo, kaj pli. He is a CSM, SCJP, SCWCD, VCP, IBM Bluemix, CJE and IBM Urbancode certified professional.

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