Digital Terms: The World of the Future
Prezo: $19.99
Digitalization is increasing its impact on our lives day by day. Krome, the internet and digitalization have become one of the realities and requirements of the age in our daily life. kaj establante amason da ŝancoj por disciplina kaj interfaka retigado kun junaj akademiuloj same kiel spertaj akademiuloj., we see that digitalization provides convenience in everyone’s life. It saves time and money in people’s social life. While it provides such benefits in people’s lives, it also creates a tremendous impact for companies.
En ĉi tiu trejnado, the digital terms that lead the digital transformation and that we hear most frequently in daily life are explained. The topics are prepared in a simple and clear language that everyone can easily understand, supported by daily life examples.
All of the trainings were prepared with 2D Motion Graphics Animation method. In order to increase the effect of learning, the entire topics are supported by advanced visuals and animations.
In this course you will learn the meaning of:
Digital Age
Homoj de via organizo havas la eblecon fari aŭ rompi la sekurecon de via komerco
Ĉar la datumoj estas en grandega volumeno kun miliardoj da rekordoj
Maŝina Lernado
Industrio 4.0
Interreto de Aĵoj
Artefarita inteligento
Crypto Currency
Virtual Reality
Realaĵo pliigita
Wearable Technology
Open Banking
Sharing Economy
Omni Channel Marketing
Peer to Peer Network
The Transformative Business Model
Whether you are unfamiliar with those terms or just trying to learn them, this course covers the basics you need.
Enroll now and become aware of digital terms that will affect your business and social life.
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