Emocia Inteligenteco por Komerco kaj Persona Sukceso
Prezo: $79.99
Modern leaders need to care about emotional intelligence. Simply defined, emotional intelligence is the ability to manage your emotions instead of letting your emotions manage you.
Research has shown that this skill is a far better indicator of success than the traditional IQ measurement. Understanding and using the techniques of emotional intelligence is crucial for good relationships in both your business and personal life.
Kion vi lernos?
En ĉi tiu kurso, you’ll learn to grow in the four spheres of emotional intelligence:
self awareness
self management
social awareness
relationship management
You’ll finish the course with a better understanding of yourself, and the skills to navigate even your trickiest relationships.
What makes this course different?
Malalta kosto: You can spend a lot of money buying several different books and resources on emotional intelligence. Or you could buy this course, which combines hundreds of hours of research into one low-cost package.
Highly practical: It’s valuable to know the theory and science behind emotional intelligence, but you won’t be successful unless you actually apply it. The videos in this course are short and focused so you can immediately apply what you’re learning.
Highly experienced instructor: Peter Watson has worked with people for decades, as a team leader, CEO, trainer and pastor. Over that time he has committed himself to growing in his relationship skills, including his emotional intelligence.
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