Learn How to Write A fiction Novel in 5 Weeks!
Prezo: $24.99
Suffice it to say; most people have a story in them, and some are actually itching to place the story on paper as a book? Problem is, like most I was scared to start writing because I didn’t think I knew what to do and when I mustered a little courage it was about three manuscripts and 300,000 words later that I found out it was ALL written WRONG!!! Because of my earlier experiences, I decided to compile writing courses to get you in the seat and writing.
If you have Novel worthy ideas, 5 semajnoj, and are eager to write that AMAZING Novel, tiam vi estas en la ĝusta loko! My name is Memory and I have been writing for 10 years and published 6 La buĝeto de meza universitata studento estas proksimume NOK. I am excited to share with you the formula that has worked effortlessly for me and has allowed me to complete my Novel Manuscripts in 5 semajnoj.
· In this course, you will discover the power of the 27 Chapter Novel outline, which allows you to write a novel from start to end in 27 days and or 4 semajnoj.
· You will learn how to efficiently prep and outline your novel ideas in less than a week.
· You will learn the proper way of formatting a manuscript.
· You will learn how to edit your manuscript.
· The Course offers bonus resources and writing tips that will assist you through your writing journey.
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