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Learning Strategies for Exam: Brain Training, Improve Memory

Learning Strategies for Exam: Brain Training, Improve Memory

Prezo: $19.99

The course gives SIMPLE strategies and a better understanding of how to help yourself to become a great learner.

This course will teach you how to hack your learning, legado, and memory skills, empowering you to learn anything and everything faster and more effectively.

My name is Ina Ilie and my purpose is to find the most efficient ways to learn for the exams and put our mind to work.


Ĉar smart strategies bring better results. You could work as much, if not less, kiel vi faras nun, but with more impressive results.

Praktiku tion, kion vi lernas per praktikaj agadoj psychopedagogist, with a master’s degree in cognitive sciences, and I teach thinking skill classes to kids, teenagers, young people, and adults.

Why do I focus on exams, kun ISO/IEC?

Because most of the students are learning pretty much the same and I know how it feels because, a long time ago, I did exactly that. Do, they procrastinate, start learning very late, cram all the info in 3 days of studying, stay up all night before the exam, get there tired and stressed out, trying to use as much of the famous photographic memory to remember where was that info on the page. Trying to survive another exam. Some do, some don’t, some remember how the page with the most wanted information looked like, some get blocked, trying the whole exam to remember one tiny thing, stressed out and tired. But you are not them, you are not like that. You are looking for smart ways to learn and good results, and I am here precisely for that.

I have strategies for how to approach the exam itself, how to cope with the emotions, how to tackle subjects of various complexity. I am interested even in what is good to eat and to do the day of the exam to have an optimum experience.

But this course does much more than just help you get well through an important test. It feeds you with the best learning strategies for day to day learning, provided by years of extended research on how the human brain learns best, with not so much effort, but great efficiency. Kaj, here and there, quite a bit of fun.

Here are some examples of what this course can inspire you with

The perfect timing for your reviews, so that they are not too much, not too little, memorization techniques, kiel take efficient notes, kiel train your working memory to think faster and keep ideas in mind, kio estas mind maps and how we can use them, how to control stress, what is Zeigarnik effect and how you can put ALL of YOUR BRAIN to work for you, not just the famous 10 procento.

Do, to sum up, 3 reasons to be next to me on this one:

1. It feeds you the top and fresh information on the best learning skills

2. It gives you tips and tricks for how to deal with the exam itself, tactics and emotions, kaj

3. It gives you a general view on optimal sleeping, manĝante, exercising and thinking habits.

At the end of this class, you will have tools to memorize and learn more things in less time, you will know when is good to study and when you should take a break, when is the best time to review and what to do when there is too much to learn and you are overwhelmed.

Thank you again for taking interest in my course, I hope it can serve your purposes beautifully, and I am looking forward to knowing how it worked for you! This course gives you access to our online community. Once inside, you can ask me questions, get in touch with the others, share concerns and progress. I am here to help you enjoy the best learning experience possible, kun 30 taga mono-reveno. Preta? I wait for you inside, all well!

Strategioj de lernado, Mind mapping, Memoro, La bona novaĵo estas, ke vi jam havas ĉi tiun stiradon, kiun multaj homoj ne havas, Neŭroplasteco, Pass Exam


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