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Prezo: $24.99
Life Coaching is a positive, forward-thinking, active partnership with the client. It is exciting to watch clients realize their life purposes, design viable strategies, and conquer life goals.
Life Coaches inspire, motivate, and empower clients to set and get life goals!
As you move though this program, you will explore and gain the above noted skills, and begin to revel in your clients’ life successes! Ĉi tiu kurso donos vin per la scio kaj lerteco uzi x64dbg aldone al iuj aliaj iloj, kiujn vi eble jam konas.:
Foundation Coaching Course (17 Video Modules)
Coaching Basics
Understanding the ICF
Getting Started as a Coach
Running Effective Coaching Sessions
The First Free Coaching Session
Understanding Goal Attainment and Creating the Action Plan
Powerful Questions in Coaching
Active Listening, Acknowledging, and Empowering
Business Assessments and Analysis in Coaching
What is a Business Coach and How to Profit
Who Needs a Business Coach
Business Coaching Options
Business Communication Coaching
Business Marketing Coaching
Coaching Techniques to Help Your Client Deal With Stress
Coaching Techniques to Help Your Client with Health and Wellness in the Workplace
Conflict Resolution Coaching
Help Your Client Write a Business Plan ( Business Plan Coaching)
Increasing Self-Awareness Course
12 Video Modules, Worksheets, Aliro al avangarda esplorado (applicable for your using with clients)
What is the Self
Awareness of the Physical Self
Administrado de Tempo
The Emotional Self
Mood Management
The Mental Self
Interpersonal Awareness
The Spritual Self
Limitations of Self Awareness
Wrapping Up
Increasing Your Happiness Course
12 Video Modules, Worksheets, Aliro al avangarda esplorado (applicable for using with clients)
Plan Ahead for Happiness
Plan Your Day
Relate to Others
Go to Your Happy (Laboro) Space
Accentuate the Positive
Use Your Benefits
Take Control of Your Career Happiness
Set Boundaries
Practice Positivity
Choose to be Happy
Wrapping Up
Celo Agordo & Getting Things Done Course
12 Video Modules, Worksheets, Aliro al avangarda esplorado (applicable for using with clients)
Overcoming Procrastination (mi)
Overcoming Procrastination (II)
Four P’s of Goal Setting
Improving Motivation
Wise Time Management
Tips for Completing Tasks
Increase Your Productivity
“To Do” List Charasteristics
Mistakes will Happen
Wrapping Up
Emotional Intelligence Course
12 Video Modules, Worksheets, Aliro al avangarda esplorado (applicable for using with clients)
Kio estas Emocia Inteligenteco
Skills in Emotional Intelligence
Verbal Communication Skills
Non-Verbal Communication Skills
Social Management and Responsibility
Tools to Regulate Your Emotions
Gaining Control
Business Practices (mi)
Business Practices (II)
Making an Impace
Wrapping Up
The Life Coach Certification program is offered via a home-study course to help you slowly absorb the information presented; and provide time for you to complete the videos, Ni esploros lernajn konsiletojn kaj teknikojn kaj havos kadron por vi uzi antaŭ la fino de ĉi tiu kurso, and quizes, before you take on new clients.
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