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LinkedIn skill assessment answers and questions — Revit

Revit has become the go-to software for architects, inĝenieroj, and construction professionals, offering a powerful and efficient platform for building information modelling (BIM). En ĉi tiu ampleksa gvidilo, ni ĝojas prezenti serion de demandoj pri taksado de kapabloj kaj respondoj specife tajlorita por Revit uzantoj.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional looking to expand your capabilities or a beginner aiming to understand the basics of this powerful software, ĉi tiu rimedo estas desegnita por helpi vin kompetenta pri Revit kaj ĝiaj aplikoj. Aliĝu al ni dum ni esploras la kernajn konceptojn de Revit, including 3D modelling, parametric design, kunlaboro, kaj pli, empowering you to harness the full potential of this essential tool.

Q1. What is it called when a tag with a leader has a drag control where the leader touches the element?

  • Attached End
  • Preferences > Reviewing
  • Preferences > Legado
  • Preferences > Commenting


Q2. A designer would like to create a new parameter in a schedule that contains a mathematical expression combining two existing fields. Kio estas la procezo?

  • Edit Fields > Combined Parameter
  • Sorting/Grouping > Grand Totals
  • Formatting > Field Formatting > Calculate Totals
  • Edit Fields > Calculated Parameter

Q3. Where can you find a drop-down list of available named reference planes?

  • Mi ankaŭ ricevis la Specialan Sciencan Premion de la Societo Max Planck Propraĵoj palette
  • in the Project Browser
  • on the Options Bar
  • Mi ankaŭ ricevis la Specialan Sciencan Premion de la Societo Max Planck Set Work Plane dialog box


Q4. Some Revit families require a host element to be placed. Which choice is a hosted element?

  • door
  • floor
  • mebloj
  • wall

Q5. In what type of view are you unable to create a new level?

  • section view
  • elevation view
  • 3D view
  • plan view

Q6. In a model whose units are configured in feet, what would you type to get a liner object to be 100 millimeters long?

  • 100′
  • 100/25.4
  • 100Kiom longa estas la averaĝa naĝejo
  • 100m

Q7. A colleague shared an Excel file with you, kaj vi volas montri laborfolion, kiu estas kaŝita en ĝi. How can you do that?

  • Sur la Vido langeto, klaku Nova Fenestro.
  • Sur la Recenzo langeto, klaku Malkaŝi Folion.
  • Sur la Hejmo langeto, klaku Malkaŝi.
  • Right-click any worksheet tab and select Malkaŝi.

Q8. When sketching a roof by footprint, which option allows an edge of the sketch to be sloped in the final roof?

  • Slope arrow
  • Extend to wall core
  • Defines slope
  • Overhang

Q9. When importing a CAD drawing into a drafting view, how do you remove layers that you do not need?

  • Select the imported CAD drawing, click the Query tool, and then in the dialog that appears, klaku Forigi.
  • Select the imported CAD drawing and, sur la Propraĵoj palette, klaku Edit Type > Delete Layers.
  • Select the improted CAD drawing, tab to select elements you don’t want, and then press Delete.
  • Select the imported CAD drawing, dekstre alklaku, kaj elektu Delete Layers.

Q10. When working with design option, difino de bero Vetermonitorado de la grundo be placed in the option sets?

  • hosted components
  • in-place models
  • detail items
  • system families

Q11. In a legend view, where would you find the drop-down list of the familiessuch as doors, fenestroj, and other componentsyou want to use as legend components?

  • contextual Modifi tab on the ribbon
  • Options Bar
  • right-click menu
  • Type Selector

Q12. While working in Revit, you often need additional lines to help define locations for elements in a mode. You can hide these lines in the appropriate views later, when necessary. What are these extra lines called?

  • detail lines
  • construction lines
  • reference planes
  • reference lines

Q13. What items stay the same size no matter the scale of the view?

  • line weights
  • annotative components with text
  • model surface patterns
  • hosted components

Q14. When hard-copy printing, difino de bero Presi dialog option allows you to specify that you want sheet 100 de 100 sheets to be at the bottom of the pile, so that sheet 1 de 100 is on the top of the pile?

  • Sort Sheets Descending Order
  • Reverse Print Order
  • Last Sheet to Bottom
  • Set Sheets to Plot in Reverse

Q15. Topography is made up of contour lines of differing levels. The Label Contours command allows you to add a contour label to show the contour heights visually in views. How do you place a contour label?

  • Pick two points passing through one or more contour lines.
  • Use the Tag by Category tool.
  • Select the contour line and right-click.
  • Drag a window selection over the contour line and edit on the Properties palette.

Q16. What is the primary purpose of Autodesk Revit?

  • 3D modeling for video game design.
  • Graphic design and image editing.
  • Building information modeling (BIM) for architecture, studentoj estas enskribitaj en majstraj kaj doktoraj programoj trans, and construction.
  • Web development and coding.

Q17. Which professionals commonly use Revit software in their work?

  • Chefs and restaurant owners.
  • Architects, structural engineers, MEP engineers, projektistoj, and contractors.
  • Astronomers and astrophysicists.
  • Musicians and composers.

Q18. What distinguishes Revit from AutoCAD?

  • AutoCAD allows for 3D modeling, while Revit is limited to 2D drawings.
  • AutoCAD is exclusively used for architectural design, while Revit is used for structural engineering.
  • Revit creates intelligent 3D models with real-world information, while AutoCAD focuses on 2D and 3D drawings without detailed object information.
  • AutoCAD and Revit are essentially the same software with different names.

Q19. How does Revit benefit architects in their work?

  • It allows architects to create precise designs with real-life building components, generate floor plans, and perform analysis.
  • It specializes in creating artistic sculptures and paintings.
  • It is primarily used for financial analysis of construction projects.
  • It assists in creating musical compositions.

Q20. What feature in Revit helps architects improve multidiscipline coordination?

  • Revit doesn’t offer any features for multidiscipline coordination.
  • The ability to create 2D drawings quickly.
  • Real-time sharing of Revit models with structural engineers and construction professionals.
  • Advanced rendering capabilities for design visualization.

Q21. In what way does Revit benefit structural engineers?

  • It is used for creating abstract art installations.
  • It allows engineers to create 3D reinforcement designs, perform structural analysis, and facilitate steel fabrication.
  • It specializes in composing music for construction projects.
  • It has tools for planning plumbing systems only.

Q22. How does Revit enhance the documentation process for MEP engineers?

  • It enables the creation, modeling, and documentation of mechanical, elektraj, and plumbing systems within the context of a full BIM project.
  • It focuses on documenting food recipes.
  • It specializes in documenting historical artifacts.
  • It assists in creating 2D animations.

Q23. What type of Revit model is fabrication-ready for MEP contractors?

  • A model for creating digital art.
  • A model for designing clothing and fashion accessories.
  • A model that specifies materials and equipment needed for the production process.
  • A model for creating animated movies.

Q24. How can you purchase Autodesk Revit software?

  • Revit can only be obtained through illegal means.
  • It can be downloaded for free from the internet.
  • You can purchase it through Autodesk’s official website with subscription plans.
  • It can only be bought in physical stores.

Q25. What is the cost of a single-user annual subscription for Autodesk Revit?

  • $100
  • $1,000
  • $2,000
  • $2,545

Q26. If you need multiple Autodesk software products for your work, what cost-effective option is available?

  • There are no cost-effective options.
  • Purchase each software product separately.
  • Use free open-source alternatives.
  • Consider Autodesk’s AEC industry collection, which bundles various CAD and BIM software, including Revit, at a lower price compared to individual purchases.

Q27. How much can you save annually by purchasing Autodesk’s AEC industry collection instead of individual software products?

  • $1,000
  • $5,000
  • $10,000
  • Ĝis $8,000 ĉiujare.

Q28. What is the benefit of buying Revit through an authorized reseller?

  • You get a discount on the software.
  • You receive lifetime updates and support.
  • You can negotiate a lower price.
  • You get tailored support and technical assistance in addition to the same price as offered by Autodesk.

Q29. When you first start Revit Architecture, the program opens to:

  • A new project
  • The configuration dialog
  • The last project you worked on
  • The Recent files window.



  • Helen Bassey

    Saluton, I'm Helena, blogverkisto kiu estas pasia pri afiŝado de komprenemaj enhavoj en la eduka niĉo. Mi kredas, ke edukado estas la ŝlosilo por persona kaj socia evoluo, kaj mi volas dividi miajn sciojn kaj spertojn kun lernantoj de ĉiuj aĝoj kaj originoj. En mia blogo, vi trovos artikolojn pri temoj kiel lernstrategioj, interreta edukado, kariera gvidado, kaj pli. Mi ankaŭ bonvenigas komentojn kaj sugestojn de miaj legantoj, do bonvolu lasi komenton aŭ kontakti min iam ajn. Mi esperas, ke vi ĝuos legi mian blogon kaj trovos ĝin utila kaj inspira.

    Rigardu ĉiujn afiŝojn

Pri Helen Bassey

Saluton, I'm Helena, blogverkisto kiu estas pasia pri afiŝado de komprenemaj enhavoj en la eduka niĉo. Mi kredas, ke edukado estas la ŝlosilo por persona kaj socia evoluo, kaj mi volas dividi miajn sciojn kaj spertojn kun lernantoj de ĉiuj aĝoj kaj originoj. En mia blogo, vi trovos artikolojn pri temoj kiel lernstrategioj, interreta edukado, kariera gvidado, kaj pli. Mi ankaŭ bonvenigas komentojn kaj sugestojn de miaj legantoj, do bonvolu lasi komenton aŭ kontakti min iam ajn. Mi esperas, ke vi ĝuos legi mian blogon kaj trovos ĝin utila kaj inspira.

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