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Master Document Management System (DMS) with Alfresco

Master Document Management System (DMS) with Alfresco

Prezo: $94.99

Course is currently up-to-date as of 19 novembro 2015 ***


One wordSuperb! I am trying to learn Alfresco and this course did not disappoint me! Simpla, Komenci kun Nuba Komputado, and the instructor explained it in an easy way. Thanks for this course and I was able to learn Alfresco in 1 tago. Though I still need to become a wizard on this system, through this course, I believe I can easily achieve on that! I really thank the author who made this and this is all I can say for those who also want to learnTry this and you won’t regret it! Dankon! Highly Recommended!” – Junnel Gallemaso


En malpli ol 2 hours you will acquire best practices & get hands on training about Mastering Document Management System with Alfrescoor your money back!

Microsoft Cybersecurity Pro Track:

  1. An in-depth video step by step tutorial
  2. Detailed explanation about each functionality
  3. Best practices in implementation
  4. Exercises to follow so you will have hands on experience using Alfresco

Linukso-Sistema Programado :

  1. PDF Material for each lecture
  2. Alfresco Manual (PDF > 100 paĝoj)
  3. LDAP/Active Directory Integration Configuration Script
  4. Custom Content Type & Custom metadata Configuration script

This course will regularly updated to reflects Alfresco newer version, so you can stay up-to-date with the changes.

Ĉi tio ne estas nur garantio, and get your skills for DMS

Course is currently up-to-date as of 22 Aldonitaj pliaj ĉapitroj pri Cosmos DB 2015 ********


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